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Maximum height units of each level of Force jump in Radiant ?

Ko'or Oragahn

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Umm, here goes my guess.


Player model according to JK2radiant is 7 units tall.


I'd guess the ordinary jump does half of it, maybe 4 units high.


Lvl 1 would be double that, 8 units high


Lvl 2 would be four times that, 16 units high


Lvl 3 would then 32 units high.


I have no idea if this is correct information, haven't tested.

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Uni's way is the empirical, trial and error method. Probably the best. I found though in the q3radiant manual it gives you the standard physics and model stats which as far as I've seen JK2 still follows. Player model is 30 wide x 30 deep x 56 units tall.


Force jump description in the manual says level 1 jump twice your height, level 2 4 times your height, and level three 8 times your normal height.


So, multiply player height (56) by 2, 4 or 8, and you get the max units a level 1,2 or 3 jump can obtain. A standard jump (as in a no force server) from the radiant manual is something like 32 units.


So to sum up,


no force jump = 32

level 1 jump = 112

level 2 jump = 224

level 3 jump = 448


The q3radiant manual also has equations for max horizontal jumping distance, that use max jump height as a variable. Use the above values for the max jump height to calculate how far a chasm you can jump with force jump....


It's a good idea though to put a little leeway in your "platforms" maybe by 25 or 50 units, so the player doesn't have to make a perfect vertical jump to get there.



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