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Cairn Bay Catwalk and Grating Jump


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stuck on cairn, help!

I've gotten the two elevators to work, and when I go up to the room I figured out the big doors. I killed pers guarding the Lambda, hop on top of the lambda and then onto the catwalks above the shuttle. But I can't seem to make the jump from the catwalk to the tall grating. I have seen a post that say's to shoot it out and the jump up to it. But it is an impossible jump. It appears that you need to jump up and out and then have to redirect yourself backwards in mid flight. I just can't seem to make this impossible jump. The Tall Grating is out farther from the catwalk. There must be a way to get to it. Am I doing this correctly or is there another way to jump up to the grating?


Thanks in advance.



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Some part of the catwalk is raised, so jump from there for starters. Also when you jump, jump straight upward first and then when you reach the hole, tap forward to go inside.


Just keep trying is all i can say. It isnt really that hard :)

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