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skilled uk player seeking clan

jedi donkey

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:D iv been playing jk2 for a while now and have completed it in all modes, i wont to join a clan becase im findeing jk2 multi player less challangeing and to easy in normal servers.


net name: master

age: 16

highest kills: 100

fav weapons: saber and bow caster

fave saber stly: strong or light

fore side most used: dark

fave game typ: team ctf or duel

fave level: death star

least fave level: yavin courtyard

method of winning: saber or force powers

camper: nope

modem: 56k

location: wales (uk)

time zone: (GMT) london time

hours played a week on MP: 3 a week

avlable time of play: n e time after 6

icq: nope

mirc: nope


n e one intressted?

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