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Taking JKII more seriously?

Damar Stiehl

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Ya know... something that surprizes me a lot: the game somehow degraded into first-person shooter Quake-fest in such a short time. I mean, c'mon, this is Star Wars, not Unreal Tournament!.. you get to be a friggin' JEDI, yet there's almost no roleplay on the servers, and people talk l33t, call each other ghay n00bz or bitch about lag or DFA... Since I started, I had 2 (two!!) good matches, one was a sabre-only duel and another a Jedi/Sith free for all war. I mean, people trash-talk in character, issue proper challenges, etc...


This game has a ton of potential that you can just get into. I'm running my second single-player campaign with all Force powers enabled from the get-go... for a while I was just smacking everybody around like rag dolls, after a while it was like... wait a minute... I'm a Jedi, I shouldn't just kill people for kicks. So, if I disarm someone and he surrenders/runs away I don't give chase unless he wants to set off an alarm... see what I mean?


Maybe it's wishful thinking, but I guess I expected something more of multiplay and the community in general... I ain't whining, but does anyone else besides me think that JKII should be viewed less from FPS view and more from Star Wars universe point of view?

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Totally understand where you're coming from. It's rare to find a good duel no force server, but once you do it's awesome.


Try looking for servers that are only running custom maps, this usually cuts down on the number of "quakers." You'll find skilled duelers that go by the "mp rules."


You'll have the most fun on a NO FORCE DUEL server.





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I remember for the first few days after the game got released - that was brilliant, everyone roleplayed, talking in the Star Wars way, I loved that.


I was taught by this guy called Lord NutNut, I used to spend hours on that server, at one point I went to the dark side, then got converted back, then became more powerful than he - and finally became a master myself.. brilliant fun.

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I half agree. I hate all the complaining and arguing and unfair play, but I don't think you have to drag in the Star Wars universe just to make the game great.


I'm not a Star Wars fan (flame all you want but I've got an asbestos mouse) and I still love the game, as long as you join the right servers.


Force servers are often annoying, so I try to avoid them, but CTY is cool, and if you can find a good no force ffa or duel server, favourite it, and just go to that regularly.


Also, if lunatic players who keep attacking people willy-nilly get on your nerves, try to find a server where anybody can vote to have scumbags kicked off.

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I'm glad some people see it my way... And I have no problem with Force-duels, altho these have different dynamics from sabre-only, as long as people don't turn it into a lamerfest. It's possible with enough people involved, I'm sure of it.


Star Wars is Star Wars is Star Wars...

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I understand your frustration with the lame stuff, the complaining etc., but your disappointment about role playing is a little on the silly side.


The game is first and foremost a First Person Shooter, not an RPG, if you want role playing wait for Star Wars Galaxies (i know i'm looking forward to that).

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