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Things to stick in a patch (don't get excited)


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Just thought that I'd start a thread off on this really, anyone got any thoughts on what should go into a patch for the game, or if they need one at all. As far as I've seen and read, there's quite a few, but I'm sure that you guys seen some more :p . I'm only putting here what would be nice for multiplayer only, if it was single player I'd say sabers from the second section myself (would knacker the plot up completey, but would be a good laugh), but there we go.


1 - Always helps on ANY online game, a built in Punk Buster. Look at all of the threads on this forum on about scripts. In fairness not all of the scripts are hugely beneficial, eg animated names don't give you a stronger swinging arm, but things like "Always win grapples" and straight beneficial scripts suck bigtime. If it was setup similar to Wolfenstein's PunkBuster addition on the latest patch, then you can choose if you wish to have PunkBuster enabled or disabled etc, would solve alot of quibbles.


2 - Lots of graphic card tweaks (3dfx will be turning in it's grave because of this game :D ).


3 - Being able to saber throw damage and/or kill someone when they are locked in a challenge 1 vs 1. Straight bug.


4 - Balancing of the light-med-heavy swing scenarios; LOTS OF WHINGING going on about this one.

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