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Jedi Outcast Realism *possible spoilers*


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After having gone through SP, I'm beginning to think that our favorite Imperial lackeys resemble real people. Why?


There are lots of posts about the funny conversations Stormtroopers have, but there are lots of conversations you can listen to that make you almost not want to kill them. For example...(and I remember these from playing the SP game through start to finish last night)


On Kejim Post

Stormy 1: A disturbance was reported in Sector 10 this morning.

Stormy 2: What sort of disturbance?

Stormy 1: A droid set off the security system on the lower level.

Stormy 2: That's the third time this month...

Stormy 1: Won't be the last time, either.


On Cairn Installation

Stormy 1: I transferred here from Artus Mines, right before the Rebels attacked.

Stormy 2: Too bad, you coulda seen some good action.

Stormy 1: I hear we might be next.


On the Doomgiver

Stormy 1: I knew we shouldn't have trusted Reelo. It was too much of a risk.

Stormy 2: The Empire has always dealt with mercenaries, when needed.

Stormy 1: I still think it was a mistake, his blundering cost us.


I think instances like this show that underneath that useless white armor is a real person. What do you think?

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Ever played the older game TIE Fighter? It was the first I know of that put you in the shoes of an Imperial for a change...the manual(it was friggin' huge!) even included a mini novel that tells about who you were supposed to be...it really explored what being an Imperial would be like.


Also, if you want to hear all the conversations, check out the assets1.pk3 file in the base folder...listen to the stormtrooper mp3's and you can find a few good ones. I played through the game and apparently missed a few of them...


:trooper:"Stupid know-it-all officer...how about you get into this armor and try to see out of this damned helmet? Then I'll sit around in my comfy office and tell you how dumb and incompetent you are."

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