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[$iK] Looking for Jedi Masters


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Well we once were the best in the west at counter-strike...and since we have been playing jk2..we are looking to be the best in west at jk2...but who knows.


Anyways we have 4 members now..we want 6 members maby 7 so we are looking for a few more. The more talent you have the better the odds you have to join.


What does this **** all mean?


Simple: We play Mostly Sabers and force only... ctf, ff,tff. SO if your good with a gun..we can care less, cause ill snatch that **** out of ur hands:) Anyways we normaly dont post tryouts on random forums, but since the game is farly new i will. If u sux at the game but u can contribut to the team with a server or flash or sponsor ship...then there is hope for you, we might barter to teach you, But whatever. IF you think you got mad game..hit me up,,, oohhh yea if ur one of those hoe bags i saber slap all the time, that use that 100 heath Heavy saber jump slice....you sux because its being removed with next update.






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