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I give up on the lightning..........

Guardian Omega

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I think there is something that lets you raise the brightness of the hole level.


The only way I could get equal lighting is when I used doomgiver/deathconlight. I made a room with no light entities and gave it the deathconlight shader. I made it a func_wall entitiy and gave it KEY: "light" and VALUE: "300". I ran the level and all walls were equaly lit.


I have only tried this with that shader and you have to remember that if you put any light entities in you map that you have to make sure you don't have any leaks and in this test map i made, if i had a light entitiy, i would need to make a outer wall because the light travels through func walls.


I don't know if this will help you but it's interesting to know.

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If you want light in your map without using light entities or shaders (daylight) just deselect everything, press n and add to worldspawn, the keys:







1 1 1


300 for light is like a fairly sunny day, and 1 1 1 or colour is white.


This is all called, ambient light... lol, sorry ;)

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