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Outcast not recognizing Mouse3


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It's really annoying. I just got a new 2.2GHz PC :) and I tried changing saber stance... no dice. Scroll through my weapons? Nope. I went into my controls settings, and it said under saber stance Mouse3. That's what it was on my old PC and thats what it should be. Mousewheelup and Mousewheeldown are set for Next/Previous weapon, yet it doesn't work. Does anyone know why?

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i really really wish i knew. ;-; this problem plagues me as well.


I feel like i should know hte answer too.


the problem *used* to happen to me in Unreal Tournament, and now it doesn't. its like i feel...... sooooooooo lost.


but the way i'm thinking...


it has something to do with running the game in full screen. *why*? i dunno. But if you run it in just a window..... your mouse 3 will work.


If someone can answer this, greatly appreciated.

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That sounds something to do with the way your mouse driver is encoded to work with windoze. Tell me, do you have logitech mice? Not MS ones?


You might want to experiment with using the MS driver anyway, since to my knowledge mice vary very little internally. It is to do with third party wheel drivers needing to interact with the windows desktop, rather than working directly as the MS ones do. (Bloody microsoft never tell anyone what they are doing wrong :>)

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Make sure that its set to Office97 compatible scrolling in mouse properties (exact phrasing might vary)


I had a mouse with programmable buttons where you could configure different functions depending on current application. The drivers wouldn't recognize that q3 was running until I alt+tabbed out and back into the game....

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I have the same problem......but it only occured in 1.03 - 1.02 everything worked fine.


Cannot change weapons or sabre stance (not even hitting "L" on the keyboard!!!)


1.03 is much better sabre balance - I guess( I can't get anything but med stance) :(

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