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Here's my Vader model! (wip)


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I've been wanting to do Darth Vader for a while now, I noticed someone else is also working on it, but I'll still give it a try :)


Its rendered without smoothing groups so you can see all the polys. Its 677 polygons, is that too much for a head model? Feel free to give any feedback!


Edit 2: Is this better, this is probably as close to the movie I can get it. Its now optimized and 602 polygons.











Edit 3: Here's some smooth rendered pics from 3d explorer for those that requested, changed scaling of model a bit also, still 602 polys.










Older models of head below









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This msg is for everyone, please send me a message if you would like to contribute to this model in any way, it can be a community effort!


I suck at mapping textures coords, and my skinning is even worse, so pls mail me at karrtoon@hotmail.com if you'd like to help!


darkskywalker, yeah I was thinkin about doing that, its probably a waste of polygons and won't be noticed anyway.

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The model so far looks great.


Very close in shape.


But there is a vader model almost done. You can continue working on yours, no problem there... but maybe people should do diferent things so there is more variety.


If you choose to go on... you probably will... then i say again it's looking great so far.

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Except, as great as SithLords' Vader is, I think this is a better head mesh...looks much closer to my Classic Action mask, which are pulled from one of the molds used to make the Vader costumes for Empire. The helmet flares a little bit more, but the mask is really very good. One thing that I see alot, and is also a small problem with this version, is that the "mouth-grill" area actually should slant away from the face, instead of towards it...the bridge of the nose is actually a fair bit longer, and slants down.


Looking at it again, part of the problem is that the notched area between the eyes actually extends forward more than you have it...THAT makes the bridge of the nose seem longer, and subsequently tilts the mouth away from the face.

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Skellington, thanks for the feedback. I tried making it as close as possible, but had limited resources. Do you have any picture's to show what you mean, I would be happy to change it. But in most of the pictures I have its hard to see because his mask reflects.

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One sugestion... Cut the helmet in half from the front viewport and model the other half... then mirror it and voilá.... easy simetrical sides.


I noticed that the one eye was bigger than the other..besides it's much easier to work this way and since vader's helmet is simetrical even in skin.. you could skinap the half before mirroring it so it saves trouble even in that matter.


Also... the helmet is a bit diferent on the front top where that line in the middle ends.

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this is regarding the grill, is this a bit better?




bloodriot, yeah i use mirror quite often, but I did the eyes last and changed a few things (too lazy to cut it in half mirror again) ;)

but i'll make sure to do that.

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Looks very good... (Except the size difference in the eyes, but you knew that...) Keep on modeling, there's much work to be done - the body, cape, adjusting the skeleton, figuring out how to make the cape look like a real cape instead of a piece of tin foil, skinning... I'm sure you can see some good tips from sith's model, and also maybe spot some things you can do differently. Good luck.


Looked at the pictures again... definatley do the mirroring thing, hell of a lot of differences between the left & right side. To me, the left side looks better. (That's the left from my point of view, not Vader's.)

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Just posted at Sithlord's thread and doin' the same here...


nls, great work, I like your Head-model very much!


So, my hint to you (as to sith) contact sithlord II and work together guys! He got the skin nearly complete done, and you two could produce a great piece of work, if cooperate would be started!


And to you the same words:


Don't be too proud of your effort (I know, you're not, but ya know... <g>) and share it.


We all want a great and perfect (YES! PERFECT! ;-) ) Vader for this game... so all creative minds should tie up for it.




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On the first picture, you can see a difference between the left side of his face and the right, the polygons are slightly different shapes. Doesn't the modeling program allow you to duplicate and join them together? If so, you could have a symetric face.. which would make most of it easier.

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wow i m working on a vador model too...and i really think you need to optmize your mesh more more more...i built all parts of model and i have 3280 polygones...and i optimized the more more more..(668 polygones)..make the grill with texturemap..other side..good work ;-)

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thx guys. I mirrored it and optimized it down to 602 polys. I hope thats still not too much for a head. I think Sithlord is going to contact me about adding my head to his model.

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