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Is their an adminmod for jk2?


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I'm in the same boat as you. :) I know almost nothing about JK/Q3 servers, so I'm learning this stuff from scratch. :(


As far as I know, there are no tools like Admin mod or HLSW for JK/Q3... which is unfortunate. Maybe something will be developed for it, but so far I haven't been able to find anything.





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While this is not admin mod like at all, it is a server tool that does actually work somewhat.





It's for HL/CS, but it does work on my jedi server. It's limited, but better then nothing.



There is also a program called Server Watch 3.0, which works with JK servers too.. Its similar to HLSW in what it does.



I know that's not exactly what you are looking for.... but some tools to use on your server.




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the Quake3 engine produces great games and graphics / physics but it really LACKS when it comes to remote administration. its NOT user friendly nor is it proper. u could not even compare this to the HalfLife engine which is feature rich and always regularly updated. Aparently theirs no SDK ( software devlopment kit ) thats been released for JK2, once that does then we may see various serverside mods.



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