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How Easy Dessan Is


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When i was on the final battle i threw my saber and it landed on the catwalk above. So in order to hold him off untill my force meter was full so i could jump up there i pulled out random weapons, the disruptor, the e11, the repeater (all useless) and the emp gun. Seems dessan can't block or dodge the emp bolts(the electric anti droid gun :charric: ) and he died after a few shots.:D :D :D

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Well, he was able to push back my attacks from that gun, but I just used the good old Light Sabre and kick the **** out of him in Force Speed.


I heard that you can crash down the colums to kill him even faster and easier.

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Yea I killed dessan twice with the pillar stragety. But I something went wrong with my computer so I had to reinstall my game and forgot to save my games to a backup file so I have to play through the whole game again! But thats ok, know I have a chance to play it on the next diffuclty level.



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Next time around I'll have to try that....


However, after a few trys to figure out when and how to use F-powers on him, I killed him quite simply.


Run down and get on the ramp at the begining. SAVE


He'll sit there a while waiting for you to do something. When he finally makes his move be ready to use a power on him. Grip knocks YOU down so skip it. (as I'm sure the folks on this thread already know) Lightning just pisses him off. Push or pull used at the right time (IE he's busy doing something & you're ready to take advantage of it....) works well.


I messed up on my pull chance. :( he was floundering at my feet but I didn't kill him... Then he would just laugh later when I tried again.


Next I tried push... I waited until he made his big leap at me and F-Pushed him while he was already in the stratosphere...


Get your tail down towards his landing point quick, be set on strong style... Then... Well, have you ever knocked the daylights out of a fly ball? :syoda:

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