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Stuck on Carin_assembly


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im at the part where their are three Mecs in one of the "pods". there looks to be a elevator in the middle of the pod but its in the up position and cant be reached... im pretty sure i have to get up there some how all other doors seem to be locked or i already explored them.


how do you let down the elevator or get up there?




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its after the part where u have to fight the 2 armored robots, and then go through a door and fight 2 reborns. the "pod" or transport with the 3 big things like little :atat: in it are at. with a lift in the middle...


there is also a button towards the begning of the lvl that u hit up in a glass room that moves a platform close to the transport or "pod"


that help any?

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Yes, this is what you do. To the left of the pod there is a room with lots of stormies and a ledge around the top. In the back of that room and to the right or left there is a hole, fall down there take out the trip mines and then fall in the hole in the center. I hope that helps.

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If you are where I think you are, then after you killed the reborns an AT-ST (:atat: with two legs) came out. If this is correct then there is a door to the right of the door you came in. There might be a switch in there that opens the door to the left of the pod, but I can't remember. When you go in the room to the left of the pod, go the the back of the room and there is a staircase to your left and to your right. Go behind the stairs and fall down the hole.

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