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ooops another Boba Fett in progress.


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i started on my model, before i saw this thread. I'm pretty much half way through the model, i have to finish legs and a jetpack. But im a loooong way from actually "Finishing" (skinning, animations, integration). maybe we can have a model contest between similar models after they are all done, i dunno, i just dont want to drop this one because its being done already, and start another one from scratch. anyhow, i have a question, whats a reasonable numper of polys for a qake3 engine based model? around 1500 ? so far mine is at 1300+ and thats without legs and a jetpack, im pretty sure by the time im done its gonna be a whooping 2000+. although with some optimisation ill be able to knock it down to 1500. im just not sure if even THAT is a reasonable polly count.

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