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Console Commands/Customizing

Su-Ron Baal

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Sorry I looked but found nothing on it...can someone give me a link to a site with all the commands for the console for binding keys/text color/model switching/saber colors etc?


would be appreciated.


and also if someone could tell me how the custom skins work? if I use one where do I put it? and will everyone playing be able to see it or just me?


thanks again.


Su-Ron Baal

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Open up the console press shift + ~


List of Commands:

Type cmdlist for a list of console commands (scroll by using page up and page down)


Changing sabercolors:


sabercolor x

(x = red,orange,yellow,green,blue,purple)

example : sabercolor red


Binding 1 command to a key:


bind x "command 1"

(x = which key you want to bind the command to)

example : bind / "taunt"


Binding more commands to a key:


bind x "command 1;command 2"

(x = which key you want to bind the command to)

example : bind 1 "sabercolor green;weapon 1"


Model switching in MP (No modelswitching allowed in SP):


model "modeldirectoryname/defaultmodelname"

example: model "kyle/default"


The defaultmodelname can also be the redmodelname or the bluemodelname.


And finally how to put skins into the game:

Just put the .pk3 file into your gamedata\base directory and the skin should show up in MP.

Most likely you will only see your skin when you host a game of your own because most servers are pure and don't support other skins.


Hope this helps! :cool:

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Originally posted by TuSKeN_RaiDeR

Open up the console press shift + ~


List of Commands:

Type cmdlist for a list of console commands (scroll by using page up and page down)


Thanks for the info. Is there any information available on what each of the commands in the cmdlist mean? Some are obvious like sabercolor, but what about the not so obvious ones.

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