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Whining Newbies and more CHECK OUT


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Im BLoody annoyed with these ****ed up newbies (IM TALKING ABOUT THE ONES THAT CANT PLAY,ETC)


I mean seriously look at this (Padawan 40) then i say WTF is going on i walk up to the padawan (being the only padawan in game) and i find out his being the lamest STUIPDEST ****ed up idiot ive ever seen his only uses the ****ty one shot kill CRAP


He sees me runs up does the one hit kill crap i grip him and what does he do absoletly NOTHING!!!! he doesnt even know about push or pull then i throw him off the edge and say dont be a lamo u newbie and he reply's "HOwd u do that" completely off what i was talking about then he talks throughout the whole game saying the SAME ****ING THING



And then finally i reply "U stop being a ****ing moron with that lame attack and play the game like a true warrior ur all luck and no skill also READ THE BLOODY MANUAL!!!!"


does anyone agree with me? maybe its just me but im bloody gonna make sure that move is taken out and teach those bloody newb's a lesson in "Being skillful" then kick their ass


Thx all for listening cya

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ive trained quite a couple of newbies soon but seriously i cant stand there whining i offer to train them as long as there willing to take the time to learn but they just ignore that and keep saying howd u do that how am i supposed to help them? if they annoy me i wanna vote to kick them out


Ill train if they stop whining about one thing and take some time to train with me then against me

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Sometimes you just need to sit down with these *special* children and explain to them the nuances of the game. Failing that - try hurling yourself off the nearest tall building for the entire game and see if they follow. Or pick them up using grip and then push them really far so they don't bug you anymore. Or find someone else to grip you, and spend your entire game throwing each other off buildings. I can testify to the effectiveness of that last method.


[/wonders if this is the same Rampager from the Optus servers.. ]

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Different philosophies I suppose.


I prefer to help people out when they ask - unless they obviously warezed the game.


Some of the best players I've meet were completely new, I showed them some stuff and now they can beat me in duels. :)

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Seriously though - I'm with NewBJedi on this one, there was a new player that kept challenging me to duels one evening, and while he/she only beat me once (I think it was his/her first time playing online), they kept improving. I jump back on the server the next day - and the person had improved a *lot*. But all the same - the public servers are there primarily for some good MP action, not for teaching.


I'm guessing a private server would be more appropriate for that. I can totally understand not wanting to teach when what you really are after are some fun duels. Possibly a good way to do this is if you want to teach someone/want to be taught, hang around on a public server, and politely wait around until you find your very own master yoda/padawan. Then offer to host/join up on a private server where the teaching can carry on.


Make sure you park your X-wing properly though. Can't have it sinking in the swamp.

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That’s the thing though no-one should have to be 'trained' by anyone, if they can't figure out how to play the game themselves, the problem may well be that they are idiots of the highest order and need to have their heads kicked in a few times to get the fact that they need to explore the game a bit more before jumping into a multiplayer match.


People who ask the following questions are far too new to the game to be in an MP match:


How do you do that wall walk thing?


How do get the saber to do that sparky thing? (He was talking about lightening)


Didn't I kill you? (Didn’t know about re-spawning. Before you start it was a gigantic fluke that he got me in the first place, 2 health left and there he was standing next to a med pack)


The above are real questions I've been asked, or seen asked in games.


Also people who attack you like crazy when you've just challenged them to a duel and they have not taken it up, need a clip around the lughole, with a baseball bat.


Just tell these people to play the game for a while and they will figure it out.

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Avenger_au how did u know i was rampager from the optus servers lol i always play on them Who are u ???


I've been asked those questions to but i hate that Stuipd one hit move though and those stuipd idiot questions that all u have to do is press esc then CONTROLS or SETUP i cant wait when they put out that new patch

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I usually play as AvengerPenguin. I tihnk we spent a match hurling each other off that building on Bespin (near the pad), artificially getting the top scores on the map.


back ontopic (i think):

I don't think the patch is going to make too much of a difference. There won't be a patch to make people read the manual :p


My feeliing is helping out new players is good - if you do help, then the person you helped is in turn more likely to help someone else out.

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oh yeah lol that was fun i came first on that :) i wish #2 was back but anyhow back to topic the patch will help to those who hate heavywhores (pointing my finger to the SaberSociety) (bunch of people making one hell of a clan) Is that there gonna be happy

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True.. although I feel the heavy stance is fine - but the hitbox on DFA is completely off :)

It would be a pity if the Heavy stance was completely written off. I wouldn't mind seeing a beefing up of the light stance too. Adds a lot more variety to sabre duels.

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Hi rampager!


*duelling scores*


Darksider[saberSociety] vs Rampager

24 plays 1


Borf[saberSociety] vs Rampager

12 plays 2


Did you end up playing against pat? i dont think uve played mirage and there is DustPuppy who just joined =D

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Originally posted by Thrawn89

That’s the thing though no-one should have to be 'trained' by anyone, if they can't figure out how to play the game themselves, the problem may well be that they are idiots of the highest order and need to have their heads kicked in a few times to get the fact that they need to explore the game a bit more before jumping into a multiplayer match.


Is that how you want to keep the community alive and kicking?


This game is only going to appeal to a special group of people over-time. I say it's best to include as many of them as you can - if you want the game to continue to be played and have a community.


Also, I don't know what you mean by explore the game more before an MP match - when that's the best way to explore and develop MP skills.

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Originally posted by Rampager

Avenger_au how did u know i was rampager from the optus servers lol i always play on them Who are u ???


I've been asked those questions to but i hate that Stuipd one hit move though and those stuipd idiot questions that all u have to do is press esc then CONTROLS or SETUP i cant wait when they put out that new patch


Just tell them to read the manual. How does it hurt you to have people ask questions? I don't get it. Do you feel that you are 'above that kind of thing'?

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Heh, the last time I discussed this topic it wasn't half as friendly... thank god that is over. That was such a bunch a BS from me and whoever else...

You should train newbs as far as I'm concerned. The problem is a lot of them don't seem to have much patience. It's pretty hard to try to get through to someone called Padawan... don't know how many people here have tried but I find most of them don't seem to know how to even use the chat funtion. Once that little hurdle is taken care of then you can at least try to keep their interest long enough to teach them a thing or two. Most however just get frustrated after you beat them a few times and would rather disconnect than listen to your advice.

Some people do need a kickiing though... the people who ask things they could know by just configuring their controls.

"How do I challenge someone?"

Arg, for christ sake, please just figure something out for yourself. I mean, asking how you swift-kick someone is OK, there is no way to know that unless you find out by accident or you ask someone. But stuff like, "How do I change my name?" please... I could figure that out if I was blind.


Where are those OPTUS servers located? US? It would be fun to see if anyone can back-up what they say about their skills. Or if I can back up my big mouth :D ...

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Have a look for those optus servers in gamespy, actually, hang on one sec....


<one sec passes>




all the optus servers listed here, we're either usually on optus or ausgamers depending on where the crowd is.


so yeah, we can back up what we say bout our skills :D, rampagers got a fair way to go though hehe sorry mate... but:




Originally posted by Darksider

Hi rampager!


*duelling scores*


Darksider[saberSociety] vs Rampager

24 plays 1


Borf[saberSociety] vs Rampager

12 plays 2


Did you end up playing against pat? i dont think uve played mirage and there is DustPuppy who just joined =D



Looking forward to dueling with ya Nill, ciao

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Speaking as someone who had to learn it all the hard way, and only picked up a few things because someone said (no more than about two days after the game had come out) "Hey, do you know how to wall-walk? It's really cool"


Since I don't recall seeing how to that in the manual, how can anyone justify saying "RTFM N00b" when it isn't ALL detailed there? How can you tell them to get lost when they have politely asked how you do something they haven't seen before (and thus may not have even been aware it was possible)?


I can not, and will not stand by and watch new players be put off by poor treatment by the so-called "elite", just because they didn't pick something up by osmosis or having the knowledge magically infused because they were in a shop and paid for the game. The only ones who get poor treatment off me are those who I have just mentioned, and the people who won't listen or learn. This is not Quake3. If you think it is then you are sorely mistaken and I pity you. I *LIKE* Jedi Knight 2. I *DON'T* like Quake 3. There IS a reason.

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Originally posted by Sutek

Since I don't recall seeing how to that in the manual, how can anyone justify saying "RTFM N00b" when it isn't ALL detailed there?

Just what I was thinking :)

However (and here I am playing the devils advocate), couldn't the argument be raised that if they want to learn all they need to do is:




I'll answer my own question (I like the sound of my own voice :p):

It's not very convenient to have to jump out of the game to have to look up how to do something. It is convenient to reach over and open the manual however - so there are no excuses there.


I can not, and will not stand by and watch new players be put off by poor treatment by the so-called "elite", just because they didn't pick something up by osmosis or having the knowledge magically infused because they were in a shop and paid for the game.


Maybe the new players are meant to use the force? :p

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Borf.. I've got a strange feeling that link you provided won't work for people not on Optus@home. But for those that are you may very well see something looking like:


Jedi Knight 2

JK2 All Weapons #1 -

JK2 Sabres Only #2 -

JK2 Sabres Only #3 -

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It's not very convenient to have to jump out of the game to have to look up how to do something. It is convenient to reach over and open the manual however - so there are no excuses there.


On the other hand, usually with these games it is simple to play: Pick up gun. press fire button till everything is dead. Get ammo/new gun. Repeat.


JK2 is a little more complex, with the force powers and saber combat, which are unlike any other simliar games out there (I'm not counting Dark Forces and other predecessors, since the whole operation of force powers and saber has been re-worked). It is moderately convenient to open a manual and look, but do you normally get asked "How do I select a weapon?" or "What does force jump *do*?", or do you normally hear "How do I tanut?" (spelling error deliberate) or "How do you use that move?" or even "How do you use Force Grip?" (which I didn't find all that intuitive when I started playing).


Most questions the manual doesn't teach: How to fight well, good tactics, clever selection of force powers. And most of all, people don't read manuals. I know they don't. I'm a computer techie at heart :>

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Originally posted by Sutek


On the other hand, usually with these games it is simple to play: Pick up gun. press fire button till everything is dead. Get ammo/new gun. Repeat.


Which reminds me - Thank you for not making this Quake, Raven :)


Below - my point of view is changing as I think more about this, and I may contradict myself. I'm just thinking out aloud.



JK2 is a little more complex, with the force powers and saber combat,....


It is moderately convenient to open a manual and look, but do you normally get asked "How do I select a weapon?" or "What does force jump *do*?", or do you normally hear "How do I tanut?" (spelling error deliberate) or "How do you use that move?" or even "How do you use Force Grip?" (which I didn't find all that intuitive when I started playing).

I believe my perspective on the complexity of the game is slightly skewed - I played JK1, and the way the force powers work (ie control) seems completely intuitive to me - The question is, how do people go about learning a game? My personal experience is to mash the keys and see what happens. Does this work for everyone? Mashing the keys for outcast was easy for me - since I knew roughly where to put the keys to be mashed. I remember the learning curve being longer for JK1 though (Single player probably helped me out when learning however).


Are the people who ask these questions "veterans" of gaming, unfamiliar with JKO - or are they the new gamers, trying their hand at an FPS lured by the Star Wars mythology? Or is it something in-between?


Each form of gamer will learn how to play the game differently, it's safe to assume that the new FPS player will ask many questions - possibly daunted by the new completely counter-intuitive control set presented to them (Arrows to move? Looking around with the mouse?) which those who have played games for a [far too long ] time would take as second nature. On the other hand - the veteran gamer will jump straight into the nuances of the game - ie getting the tricks working.


Should we be alienating the new breed of gamers by providing answers along the lines of RTFM - or does the sink or swim attitude actually help the new players? Since the only new players I know I actually sat next to and helped to learn, I'm totally unqualified to answer this. Anyone out there qualified to answer this?


Most questions the manual doesn't teach: How to fight well, good tactics, clever selection of force powers.

These questions completely belong in-game, and in places like this forum. The question is however, how much support can one be reasonably expected to deliver in-game (you're there to play the game)?

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Mashing the keyboard? I've heard a lot of people use this term and I don't know quite what to imagine with it... are you actually smacking it about like it was a KKK midget? Or are you just pushing the buttons at random? I always look at the controls section before I ever even start playing. Stupidly enough I assume everyone else does this too... which is obviously not the case.

When it comes to how much you should help people, I say don't help them with anything they could figure out with common sense. Everyone should be able to find their way into the options menu, I feel a bit odd knowing that some people can't.

I think that in the end it won't be the attitude that dictates how many people play this game, but just how much fun it is to play.

I've enjoyed this game a hella lot more than Half-Life (bold statement) and I've never been busy with one game this much before.

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