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Dismemberment MOD


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I can't find the Dismemberment MOD anymore. If somebody could give me a link or show it to me on this site I would be most gratefull.


By the way, sorry for putting it on this forum but I didn't know where to put it.

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Don't bother with the mod.


Open up the console [shift and ~] and type the following:


HelpUsObi 1


[This enables cheats.]


g_saberrealisticcombat 1


[Enables, well, realistic combat--dismemberment included. Lightsaber is also deadlier. You can get varying degrees of, er, "reality" by bumping the number up even further.]


Or you could just use:




And bump up the value a bit to retain the normal saber combat with more dismemberment deaths.


Have fun. Oh, one other thing...do I know you?

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"Nice try"?


Well if you're hell bent on getting the mod, then, sorry, can't help you. Can't say I quite know why you'd want it, since it won't do anything that the above console commands won't do...


Anyway, maybe when jedi-outcast.com gets back up, they'll have it.


And I've determined you're not the Gideon I'm looking for.


Good luck.

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Cool! A dismemberment MOD map! (Hint)

Didn't know there was a dismemberment MOD map! (Hint)

Did you make a dismemberment MOD map? (Hint)

I would like to have your dismemberment MOD map. (Hint)

Where did you send your dismemberment MOD map to? (Hint)

Because I don't know where to find the dismemberment MOD map (Hint),

but here is a dismemberment MOD (Hint):




Don't know if this is the one you want or why you want it but here ya go! And no offense meant! :D

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