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Question concerning Heavy...


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It occured to me that, Raven is tweaking Heavy stance for a few reasons that don't see all that plausible to me.


Many, many people are whining about Heavy and how it "ruins" the game. These people obviously don't take the time to get better at Jedi Outcast, and spend their time complaining on forums, writing e-mails to the company, etc. Raven takes these "ideas" of "Heavy is gay," "red=n00b," and "I get killed by gay heavies all day long" to heart, because they are a good company and actually consider what their consumers have to say which is a plus. BUT, what they don't realize is that heavy is actually fine the way it is except for death from above. I find heavy a very enjoyable stance to use (without DFA), with it you have a lot of control over the movement of the saber, and requires great skill and timing to score hits with the various swings, which is quite rewarding and fun once you get the timing down. I think its hit detection should be tweaked, and maybe just get rid of DFA, and make a whole new "finisher" move for the Heavy style.


Anyone else feel this way? I hope to see you all on the servers =)


-The Intergalactic Being; Rosco: The Prince Of Space

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