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searching for Germans: Krauts come in :)

Roi Danton

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Hello, unknown soldiers out there!


Well, I haven't got a clear idea of any Clan yet, but it was on my last LAN when I was cleaning up the ground with my oponents whether how hard they tried :mob:


... anyways, I thought it could be nice to do this more often and in an organized way - and that was the moment when I got the idea of asking right here whether it's possible to get some germans (or others) together to form up a Clan...or at least something that nearly hits the definition...


Sure, at the moment I'm unabled to metch up with a page or even a Clan-Tag ( just [-RAF-] wold be a suggestion) 'cause I'm pretty busied with other projects and the ****ing Telecom hasn't managed my port for DSL yet, but in the future I'd be happy about some feedback for that particular idea - simply send a mail...



Roi Danton


ICQ: 103437633


PS: Lightsabercracks prefered but anyone who can handle a weapon is welcome, too :lsduel:

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