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What do i have to do to get this entity to work? I dropped in a fx_rain entity in a test level, did a full vis, nothing. Tried assigning it to a brush and that farged it all up. Anybody know how to get this entity up and running?




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I'm not all too certain, but seeing as the rain would be a sprite based thing, and this is going off halflife editing, but I believe you need to specify the sprite (Which I don't know if you've done this or not), and you need to specify the target.


Again, I'm not too certain.

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Hmm since I'm not fluent at all in HL editing, I'll have to ask what a sprite is. In radiant, I right click to drop an entity in the room and it leaves a small red box. I think this is the sprite that you're referring to.


I haven't assigned a target to the fx_rain entity though, but wasn't aware that I really needed to. The entity description said it would rain globally, and I guess I assumed it would be pointed down....that may be the trick. I'll have to try when I get home.



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