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Whats with the huge problem people have with DFA?


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Apologies for being new to the forum but:


I see a load of threads moaning about DFA. What is everyoens problem with it. If I see someone DFA then I just side step and roundhouse swing. I really dont understand all the complaints.


Yes it does look odd when people spam it..but they are just inviting themselves to be killed.


Is there something I'm missing?

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Originally posted by Hivetyrant

Apologies for being new to the forum but:


I see a load of threads moaning about DFA. What is everyoens problem with it. If I see someone DFA then I just side step and roundhouse swing. I really dont understand all the complaints.


Yes it does look odd when people spam it..but they are just inviting themselves to be killed.


Is there something I'm missing?


There are plenty of strategies to avoid the DFA, but I view them as workarounds to a bug. The get-killed-by-the-buried-lightsaber bug to be more specific. If the saber is buried in the ground, then it shouldn't hurt/kill anyone.


I don't have any problem with the saber being dangerous while it's still within the swing animation, but being killed by a saber that you can't even see and that shouldn't even be recognized as making contact with your character is pretty stupid.

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I dont belive it one hit kills personally. it doesnt allow for much stategy like baiting people, also once learned the move is done to easily. I can counter it easily, but when its spamed in the middle of three people fighting it really sucks.

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I agree with the above. The move has too great an area of effect. If they want to keep the move powerful but change it just a bit, they should make it into a downward stab rather than a slash.


It's not the move per se that people dislike, it's that a spammer using just that move bound to a simple keystroke can wade into a 20 person FFA and still come out 2nd or 3rd in kills.


Now, I enjoy running into a melee of 3 or 4 guys, dropping a couple of det packs, jumping and detonating. Not only with that move have I managed to kill all 4 worthy (but unfortunatley preoccupied) opponents, but I also got launched from one side of the Massiss Temple map to the other in one jump (I'd love to have seen a demo of that jump) so I'm not above mass kills either, Hivetyrant, as long as they aren't due to a stupid code bug.

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I gotta say that I'm starting to hate the DFA tho...


While playing, I took a gulp of coke, and immediately did a DFA in a nice pile of people all smacking each other up with the light saber style. I took out SEVEN people... needless to say, I splurted lots of coke on my keyboard and now have big problems with sticky keys...


Until I clean out all of that sticky stuff I can't play any JK2 (decent) anymore...


Damn DFA attack :p


(and no, I don't spam it, but that was a too tempting opportunity to leave :p )

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Originally posted by Hivetyrant

If I see someone DFA then I just side step and roundhouse swing. I really dont understand all the complaints... Is there something I'm missing?


This doesn't work against the more experienced players. People who know how to use the DFA well will turn with your sidestep and always end up facing you. If you don't move beyond the range of the swing, you will die. Unfortunately the range is so great and the animation so long, relatively speaking, that there is ample time for the player to use the DFA and assume a defensive position. A good DFAer can use the technique with relative safety.


This can be said for pretty much any swing in the red stance. There are very few weaknesses of any consequence in the red stance. The other two do too little damage and have too little range. The differences are a little less apparent in non-force matches, but they are still there. All in all, you can be successful using the yellow and blue stance; you just need to be much more skilled than your opponent is.

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afaik, dfa only does like 140-160 damage (can't remember exactly, but I do know I lived through it when I had 100/100). So technically, it's not a 1-hit kill.


"It's not the move per se that people dislike, it's that a spammer using just that move bound to a simple keystroke can wade into a 20 person FFA and still come out 2nd or 3rd in kills."


It's really not that hard to get kills in a FFA. It's more or less the players fault for joining in one of those saber dancing contests in the first place. If it's not DFA breaking up the saber dance of doom, it'll be guns, force lightning, or push (them off a ledge).


Moral of the story: Dance some place else.



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Guest Kreiger

Hello all I am new to the game ( played it for 2 days now) and these forum's. So I apologize if my opinion offends you or I am wrong with any infomation I pass along to these forums.


Ok lets start with the DFA aka Death From Above. From what I have seen so far the red stance 1 hit kill move does have a problem with the huge Collision Box killing everything it gets close to, BUT that is fixable I would assume with the new patch comin soon I heard. There is nothing wrong I think other then the collision box or whatever and side effects of killing every other thing it touches in that area. I personally think thing there would be some area effect damage for such a huge combat move but not resulting in instant death for the players caught in the area that the blow has landed unless they were really low on HP to begin with. Has far has it being a 1 Hit Kill move that works for me, It is the most powerful of the red stance moves I think, not sure of the numbers for dmg for the other red moves but I would assume this was intended to be the most damaging move for the Red stance moves. And to all you whiners and snivlin lil crybabys out there moanin cuz these 1 move lossers keep killin your butt with this move, Stop snivlin and learn some skillz, this move is so slow and long you can see the guy coming at yah with plenty of time to evade and set up to hand him his butt back to him unless he keeps moving away from the target, then you might have to hit him a few times has he is runnin away like the lil girlyman he is. This is not a big deal to avoid, and has for those guys who like to use this on really skilled guys who are fighting with saber and tactics and catch them with their backs turned to them or are so busy has to not see the lamer coming, Well I dont think there is much to say about bottom feeding pond scum with no skillz or backbone. Soon has you learn some skillz and tactics I am sure those children will be fewer and harder to find due to the lack of newbie's to attack and getting their collective ass's handed back to them every time they pull that stunt on a guy with some skillz. I think that the DFA looks very kewl and all that, but I think that anyone with skillz will not be easy prey for that move and if the collision box or whatever gets fixed or whatever it takes to tune it up to fix the huge AE damge from killin everything near it will solve what seemed to me has the only really legit problem with that move. I like the move and think it looks very kewl, but has for being one of my more useful moves NOT GONNA HAPPEN. Red stance does more dmg and all that crap but red moves seem to me really slow and just leave me very open and vunerable to the faster attacks and all that fun stuff that is usually going on in a fire fight. I think from what little I have learned so far in 2 days of MP gaming the red stance moves might more be of use to me for covering an area with lots of targets close together, and try and damage a few with a slashing red stance move in a hit and run tactic has I went past them or something like that. Other then that I dont think that the DFA move is anything more then a 1 hit kill move that wont be seen in any fight that has skilled players going at it, to slow and there are so many other faster moves to fall back on and use. And with a fixed collision box or whatever it is that is killing everyone within that area will put an end to the 1 hit hero's that know nothing more then that 1 move. From what I have see and what little I have learned from 2 days of Multiplayer playing they have Created a very sweet Lightsaber game with lots of different tactics and styles that look very very good and actully work, and with lots of practice and good timing skillz anyone can become a formidable foe barring that ever present Lag Monster dont get yah first ehehe or that 1 shot wonder hiddin in a corner somewhere waiting to ambush the unaware.


From the advice a few kind and patient fellow gamers have givin me in the last 2 days and nites I have learned that, 1) Dont be a jump monkey and a headless moron rushing into the fray slashing like your Zoro or something like that. Stay mobile and on the defend mode to try and see what the other guys is trying to use on you. 2) Learn to use and develop a style you are comforable with for the Lightsaber before you start trying to add the force abilities. I am totally used to fighting without the force abilities yet but I am able to use the saber with more confidence and skill in just this little amount of time that I can now get the odd kill on a really good saber pro and know that it was my skillz that got the kill and not a fluke swing or lag. And the rush from that makes it all the more sweeter. For me the Force abilities have always seemed like a powerup type thing nothing more really for me. I waited for a lot of years for a very workable 3D Lightsaber engine that made the rush of fighting and doing flips and slides and wall running very realistic and exciting while using the Lightsaber. And from what I have seen and learned in just 2 days I think this is going to be the game engine that brings us to that. Cheers to the team for their hard work and effort and imagination that has me just standing on a ramp watching a full out lightsaber battle going on near me somewhere cuz the view of a bunch of very skilled players makes it one of the most exciting thing in a few years to come along and is just has fun to watch as it is to do ehehe. Ok nuff said bout the DFA bull****. Hope that what info I have heard and read about and posted here is accurate or informative and helps out in any way.


OK last rant bout the Push Pull Grab hero's I have seen and read about in the last 2 days. I have no problems with these skillz (abilities) but I do have a problem with goons that have no skillz or imagination other then to hide in a corner or up on a ledge somewhere and just sit and pull or push people off the ramps nonstop, and that's all they do. I have nothing against getting pushed (pulled\Grabbed etc..) in a fight. But when 90% of this going on in a FFA/CTF MAP is the lamers who run and hide are the only guys doing this and thats all that was happening in the game/map. Now I have a problem with it. Was this the intent for that map?? Did I miss something along the way?? I bought this game because I wanted to play with and use the Lightsaber, And the really good guys with skillz and tactics only use these abilities when they are fighting you up close and personal mostly or things like chasing the flag stealer etc. And there are good reasons and tactics to having some guys covering the flag/choke points etc.. Using these abilities. But from the last 2 days I have been playing, the few of the CTF/FFA games I have gone into seems to be nothing more then room full with these guys. I don't know what the Fix for this is or if there is a fix or it was intended from the start or I just was lucky and jumped on bad servers full of these 1 shot hero's. But I do know that I will not join these game/maps now because spawning into a game and that's all that is going on in that game is really BORING and has no entertainment in it for me. Am I missing some aspect of the game that makes doing nothing more then just pushing and pulling guys off ramps and stuff a really exciting part of the game?? Maybe it's just those few maps tend to make the gameplay fall off the ledge somewhere and turn into a pull push event or something else I dont know. There are some CTF/FFA maps that I have joined and are set up with that very idea in mind for that battle and are very very fun and exciting to play in. And I have not seen all the maps yet so I am only talking about the few that I have tried. But for the map/maps that had just the nonstop pushing going on and no actual lightsaber fighting going on or guys trying to assult and take a flag or anything or even just to fight did nothing for me game fun wise. Maybe for some people that is a huge thrill of the game ?? Force power wars?? hmmm I bought the game to play with the lightsaber and the jedi powers were just secondary to the Lightsaber for me. Maybe this is the intent for those maps and if so then have at it ehehe, but for me and for the players I talk to and play with the push/pull fights with no actual saber duels going on are BORING. Maybe I am missing something to enjoy a game of nothing more then waiting for someone to run close to me so I can click a button once and the guy is dead or your dead and there was no swordplay involved or anything that took more skill or thought then to set up a bind key and click that once in while...


<<<<<<Rant off>>>>>>



Other then those few things the Multiplayer Game kicks ass and the Lightsaber has finally come to life in a huge 3D way for me and is very fun to play with and learn and watch in action. The Swordplay is very real and exciting to play and the visuals are just awsome to watch when there are a couple of pro's battling it out. And with the Mods/Skins etc that are sure to come our way now will only add to this games enjoyment and growth. Thanks to the team for a wonderful game with tons of potental and fun.


Luke I am your Father/May the Swartz Be with you...ehehe


This is one NOobie who just wanted to rant and rave a bit about his newest favorite toy :D and am thankful for the forum in which to vent off some ideas and stuff over the New Game... Kreiger signing off and hope I didnt bore you all to tears with my post :fett:

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