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The Hunted TC


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I'm starting a massive project which will be a JK2 total conversion. You will play as Boba Fett in the SP and there will be a new MP mode called Bounty Hunt which will be a lot like Counterstrike (kill for money to but new weapons).


I plan to feature new weapons (Boba Fetts heavy pistol, concussion grenades etc.)


To create this MOD I need some help from other modders, modelers, mappers and skinners. If you want to help e-mail me at sdarkshadow@btopenworld.com.


Any help at all would be appreciated...



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Thanks for the suggestion about MOD Central I'll go do that in a minute, I have started making a single-player map which is from the book "Tales of the Bounty Hunters" based on the arena of Dying Slowly on Jubilee.


If anyone can help with making models that would be great. I will also be looking for beta-testers for the level I am making at the moment in a couple of weeks.





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