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Analog joystick support


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I've tried using a Sidewinder 3D Pro and a ForceFeedback 2, but the Analog support sucks. I can't target with the POV hat because it is way too jerky.


Does anyone know how to fix this? I've tried to adjust the sensitivity of the joystick, and to make X/Y act like buttons, but no dice.


I really hate using keyboard+mouse.

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Go joystick - mouse combo.


Use the four main axes for forward and back, strafe left and right. Use the mouse with your left hand for turning and so on. Use the hat for hot-key force powers or what not, and your other buttons for primary and secondary fire, crouch, jump, etc.


Mouse button 1: use force power

Mouse button 2: use (open doors etc)


When I first started using a joystick I tried using the hat for turning and point of view stuff- it just doesn't work well. The setup I described above has won me a bunch of saber duels.

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