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How to do this shape?


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I want to make a room like the bespin flag room in Bespin ctf. The room seems to be split into 4 sectors (as viewed from top view), and it is a cylinder tapering at the bottom end and leaning out slightly....I can get a similar shape with a simple box but am having trouble doing this with anything more complex.


I looked at the similar room in the kejim map in the sdk(the room where you put the codes in), but cannot find out how to do it...I could simply copy it but I want to know how to do such as shape.....



Anyone know?



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Yeah, it's just use of the vector and edge tools matching up panes to offer the illusion of a circle. I'm guessing to keep his vision in mind the mapper who did the CTF_Bespin first rendered a cylinder and used that as a reference next to his panes as he arranged them. The tapering at the top and bottom is just he's pulling the edges inwards.


To make things easy you can just clone your object and then use free rotate to move them around. Try using this technique:



But do it with your panes, should make it easy but four opposing panes opposite each other and then start cloning. Free rotate is the greatest tool ever. :D

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It actually isn't that hard. Switch to the side view of the cylinder, get the outer edges using 'v' a certain number of brushes away from your cylinder. Swith to the other side view of your cylinder and do the same. That should do the trick.

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