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Energy Trooper

|)ark |)eciple

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I just wanted to share this image of a skin with everyone. <img src="http://www.freewebz.com/leespace/energy2.gif"> You'll notice the yellow pannels about him, inside the game these glow and a moving glowing line scrolls ontop of them. The skin is made very shiny with a shader and looks perfect realistic chrome. Please tell me what you think.

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I have seen a few for quake 3. Did you make red and blue skins for it to ? I also once saw a skin for the doom model that had a cross hair bouncing around his visor I think something like that would lok phat on your model.



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I probably have to wait till I see it in game, but yellow on all of them seems odd. Maybe its just because im not a fan of yellow.:D I will find out after this very slow download I guess.


-edit yea its really sweet, but as I said im not a yellow fan. maybe if the team colors were that part on those, and stay with the same color on the body with maybe a hint of the team color on it that would have been cool. But I imagine you would have to remake the shader for every each color, so that sounds like it would take alot of work.:( sweet otherwise though.

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Brain21, I didn't use any program really. I'll tell you my secret: What I did was I opened up assets0.pk3, I then extracted all the shader files. Using the shader editor (from the JK2 tools) I looked through them for my desired effect. I then opened up the shader in notepad, found the script I wanted and put it into my own shader. I then changed the file paths to the ones I wanted. I've always found backwards engineering the best way of making my own things work. Hope that helps...

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Yeah, reverse engineering it has always helped as well for me! THat's what I did when I started skinning some models. I didn't really like the tutorials that were out, and I know Photoshop very well, so I just played and got what I wanted (for the most part). Reading the tutorials though can often help a lot.


This skin is VERY cool (I'm using it now since I downloaded it yesterday).


Some of the shader stuff in the engine is only applicable to maps and not to characters, but I can't find anything that specifies what works with what. Anyone try to make a skin (using shaders) that is "liquid"?


Once I get the basic hang of shaders I think I'm going to try to play around with some of the more extreme possibilities as far as animating textures. It's seems that with shaders adding glow and movement, there is probably some pretty out there stuff that can be done.


Great job on Energy Trooper, and I like it the way it is! I would not say that the texture is chrome, though. To me it looks more like brushed, black anodized metal. That is a good thing, IMHO!



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