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Try to replicate Quake III Bender for JKII : JO


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Why ? Cos it would make my day, thats why :)


Hi all. Newbie number #2356545 here. Can anyone help ?


There is a skin for Quake III i use, where you can be Bender from Futurama, and it is a .pk3 file. Unfortunately its NOT just a case of putting it in the GameData/base directory ( well that would be just soooo easy wouldnt it ! )


Inside the .pk3 file there are three .md3 files:






which can all be viewed in the MD3View Application, which is one of the JKII Editing Tools.


( Go to http://www.geocities.com/bendershiny/ for screenshots etc that i took )


By loading up the "lower.md3" file using MD3View, it loads the complete "Bender" image, and when i press on the "start animation" button, it does just that, he starts going through all the motions that have been created.


However, when i try to export it as a .glm file, it tells me :


"Error! Only MD3 models with 1 frame can be exported as Ghoul2, this model has 249 frames!"


Now, when you load up a normal .glm file from the "assets0.pk3" file, the .glm files have thousands of frames ( Kyle alone has 17278 ), so does anyone know where i am going wrong or if they can point me in the right direction ?


Ie do you have to have a .md3 file with 1 frame, and then create further frames ( in something like 3dsmax or gmax ), or something like this ? Any help would be gratefully appreciated ? Ive read up on the forums, and to be honest, most of this is way over my head. I think what i have found out is the very easy part, and the rest that needs to be done in order to get this to work in JKII:JO is the complicated part ?


If this is so, could someone tell me that im wasting mine and everyone elses time on this, and i'll stick to using other peoples skins, as they seem to fully understand all this malarky :)

( And then go play Quake III / Unreal Tourny / Half Life when i wanna run around as a hell bent, alcoholic, really rude, but very funny robot )


If your reading this, many thanks for taking the time in doing so.


Bender 101

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you CAN import quake 3 models into JO

aint sayin it will be easy though


this is what you would have to do:

1)import md3 files into max 4

2)import kyle/stormtrooper skeleton into max, including tags

3)resize quake models to same size as JO models (skeleton for reference)

4)divide quake 3 model into parts - head stays same, torso becomes r_hand, r_arm, torso, l_arm, l_hand, legs become hips, r_leg, l_leg

5)create end caps for arms legs torso and hips, and neck

6)attach to skeleton

7)import into jk2


i think it would be easier to *redo* a model than to go through all of that.

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actually, if what sithlord said is correct, then even if you redo or make a new model, u'd have to go through all those steps anyway. I've finished several models with textures but no anims i wanna put into jk2 using jk2 anims, but have no idea how (the easy understandable way at least)

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Originally posted by fuc847

actually, if what sithlord said is correct, then even if you redo or make a new model, u'd have to go through all those steps anyway. I've finished several models with textures but no anims i wanna put into jk2 using jk2 anims, but have no idea how (the easy understandable way at least)


If you are using 3D Studio Max, then go to http://www.softimage.com/connect/xsi/


And that program will let you import and export XSI animations for JK2.


As for gmax/milkshape, you can pretty much forget about anyone coming out with a plugin for those because it would be too much work to get it right on thier part.

We will see, though.

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Thanks for all your input people, you've helped me out alot.

Ive got 3ds max, and i REALLY want bender as a model, so

im gonna sit down, design, get stressed, try and work out

what going with what im doing until :

1. i come up with something that looks vaguely like bender

2. someone else who knows what they are doing / talking

about create a bender skin

3. get really pee'd off that i'll just stick to using everyone

else's cos they got the know how

4. as a real last resort, go and play UT or Q3 for a bit using

the good old bender skins.


If i do manage to come up with "something", i'll post it.

It'll be crap, but it'll either give everyone a laugh, or i'll

bet booted off for wasteing everyones time :) We shall



Thanks once again.


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  • 2 weeks later...

To Ronin{TRIAD}


Dont wanna be doing any butt kissing here, but all i can say is "thank you for making a briliiant Bender skin for Q3!!!!"


It is truely awesome, and made Q3 more enjoyable for me :)


If you can spare the time in making a Bender skin for JKII:JO or help out with your buddy, that would make my day, month, year etc etc.


Although i have been trying to "create" bender myself, i havent come anywhere near to getting anything done, and so i must give up as im just not having any luck in doing anything creative in that bloody 3Ds Max software !!!! AARRGGH my head hurts. How you guys ( and girls maybe ! ) do these wonderful works of art, i do not know and am truely jealous.


If a Bender comes along, i will be extremely grateful, and thank you now for any work that you may have already done. Keep up the good work. You did it for Q3, you can do it for JKII:JO :) c3=)

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No offence to Ronin{TRIAD} I loved the Q3 model, but it still needed some work. The parts of the body werent very smooth, or pleasing. He is for the most part just cylinders, but there were alot of weird polys on it. Not sure if a new one, or just tweeking that one woulf be faster. the sounds, and all on him were great though.:)

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