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Mouse trouble...

Nill the Mean

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I have been stuck with this darn problem for ages! No matter how much I tweak my settings my third mouse button ceases to function in games (very often in JK2) causing me to restart every time. If I restart and launch the game immediately there is never a problem, only if I am restarting it or if I do something else before *insertgame*.

Does anyone know about some alternative driver or some other solution? I have the latest and the problem still persists.

I have a Logitech MouseMan Dual Optical mouse.

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uh, don't do that, mouse drivers are like any driver. That's like saying "hey use this aureal driver for your soundblaster, they both play wav files. I use a Logitech optical and I set my third (wheel button) to [backspace] and set it in the game to use the third button, if it doesn't rec the button, I set it to the backspace key on the keyboard and it works everytime. try it!!

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You DID say Logitech correct? AND you are usuing logitech drivers? He he, here is the deal...

Logitech uses a program to activae it's not so useful scroll and one-click double-click thing. While this program is running it binds itself to the mouse, rendering all other mouse mapping useless.


To Disable it: There are 2 ways.


1) Temporary solution: the one I use because the girlfriend likes the one-click double click (f'n l8m!) Control-Alt-Delete, select EM_EXEC.exe and End Task.


2) Permament solution: This program loads up at startup (Boot.)

Go to Run, type msconfig and Enter. Look for the list of programs that start at boot (ALWAY leave SystemTray checked people!) Look for EM_EXEC.exe and UNCHECK IT! Windoze will want to reboot so let it do so.


Now it should work fine in ALL Quake3 based games and Unreal coded games as well.


Hawkeye :lsduel:

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Thanks man!

I always thought my mouse would stop working properly if I shut down Em_exec. And thanks for telling me the name of that program again. I was looking for it for ages but since it isn't listed anywhere I couldn't remember which program it was. Another quick question...

Does anyone know what Wkcalrem is? This thing seems to eat system resources and I have no idea what it is.Same goes for Osa, Loadqm and Qttask. I always close them down manually with alt-ctrl-del but I wanna know what they are now.

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They are only useless windows programs. Qttask is for QuickTime. Wkcalrem = no idea, not windows related, some other program of yours, get rid of it. Osa - MSOffice crap. Loadqm = again, no idea, some windoze crap, disable it.


Use msconfig and disable these items at startup, for your systems sake.



Hawkeye :lsduel:


P.S. Glad I could help. I started a new thread from this and someone had said that Logitech has finally posted a fix for this...personally I prefer my method still though.

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