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Server DOES NOT work behind a BEFSR41


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I'm a believer that Linksys makes crap! If you're going to make a NAT device, make it work the way it should!


I have the lastest firmware (1.42.6, I believe), and port 28070 is forwarded to my local IP (


I start a dedicated server and no luck. It doesn't appear in the game browser and all I get in "hitch warnings" after it takes a couple seconds to send a heartbeat...


I don't know what else to do, I've read all the posts about Linksys "Routers", and nothing has helped...



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well I finally got it to work behind the router...


I think my friend had to type connect IP:port in console


But now I've got another problem...


After about a minute of play, it locked up hard!


I was running a dedicated server that I connected to. Should I just select "No", under Dedicated Server (not LAN or Internet)?

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i have this router and its probably the best thing i ever bought for my computer.


what i did in my case was i setup my jk2 server on my slower computer and set that IP as the DMZ host, then configured my server and viola. I didn't need to forward any ports or anything like that, but i can still connect to any q3 server, jk2 server, send/recieve files etc on my faster machine. whether that is a security hole in my network or a bug in the router i don't know, but it worked for me, it should for you...

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No, actually Linksys is just a piece of crap. No matter what you do your server will lag. Everyone has about 100 ping, when without Linksys (using a different brand router) they have about 50 ping.


The stupid thing comes with a hardware firewall that you CAN'T turn off. What kind of company would do that?

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Played an entire match...my friend had about a 51 ping...


Problem is, he wasn't able to find it in the browser. He had to connect to my machine through the console.


I forwarded ports 28060-28500 to my server.


Thanks for your help guys...

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