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stuck in ns_starpad


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If you have already gone through the grates on either side of the ship and hit all the switches, then you need to go out the small back door and to the right. You should see two pipes overhead the go into a big cylinder, jump up on those and then go across them. Now input the code into the consoles, the code can be found on the fuel line connected to the ship. Hope that helps.

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I am confused........How do you imput the codes?????? I cannot for the life of me imput the codes in the big fuel tanks. I tried using the Ctrl and the letter E button but nothing seems to work. I have also tried using the force but nothing happens. I believe all the possible switches are in the color blue position except the one in the space ship. Maybe someone can tell me all the switches (how many) need to be turned on before fueling begins or even better a step by step breakdown. I have been stuck here for along time............help me out of this hole please!!!!!

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I sure did.......their are 5 switches on each side of the grates. Four are in the center with one out on the edge. I believe the only one not turned on is in the ship. When you approach the 2 panels on the tower what button do we use??????? I have tried the E button and the Ctrl button with no success. Anyways any feedback will help.


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I just completed that part again and all I did was go up to the panels on the fuel tank (outside the hangar) and input the code. To get to those panels you need to go left after going through the hangar back door and then jump up onto the two pipes. The 'E' button worked for me, sorry if this is no help.:confused:

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I thought they were red and blue (my vision is blurry after endless hours playing this game) anyway, I don't think it matters just look at the picture on the panel where the fuel lines connect to the ship and then input those, matching pictures to colors, on the panels outside the ship.

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Well I finally solved the problem..... It turned out that when I went back to the last check point and gone through the fire fights and reset all the switches, I was able to change the code on the control panel on top of the big tanks. I believe that I was stuck in that area for so long, that the computer and/or software did not reset properly. Anyways, thank you everyone on the info and now I must move on.



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