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AAgh, throw all your old saber tricks out the door


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Wow. They really meant more like singleplayer. Yellow is noticably more slower than blue, and spins are much harder, apparently. Blue hasn't lost the infinite spin ability, however =P. Red actually slows you down whenever you start a swing. Haven't tried DFA yet, as I've never learned how to do that damn move. Other than a lot of things having been slowed down, its a lot harder to hit someone now with yellow because of the lack of spin moves (those were soo useful to graze an opponent as you were passing by them). Even the oh so useful down-left/right red slash is slower when you execute the move, making it more difficult to saber some fools on passing.


It certainly makes saber fighting feel more worth it now. No more awkward saber positions that somehow end up killing your enemy in a single touch. Although spin moves in general are harder, it seems more straightforward to saber gun toting enemies, as you no longer waste time and movement doing a spin and accidentally missing. Very effective, if you ask me. Against other saber users (namely, bots on jedi master because none of the servers I've tried have the patch yet :evanpiel: ), it's become increasingly more difficult to just finish them off with yellow, and the only time I got in a red kill was when a bot literally ran right past me and I sabered him in the back :amidala: ).


Please post your thoughts, opinions, and comments on the new saber style.

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Ok, Ive got a short list of changes you all might find interesting.

First saber combat has become much more challenging as blocking has become more automatic, but I think the clipping problems have been fixed.


Touching an idle saber now does 1 dmg instead of 5.


DFA is no longer a one hit kill, nor is heavy stance. (Dont have exact dmg yet)


DFA is done by -holding- attack and then jumping when it starts downswing. You cant just press it like before.


You can no longer spin while DFA'ing.


When I remember/find more I'll add em.


Heal takes half of your force and only heals 10 dmg.



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Actually, heal at level three heals only 25 damage for about half your force pool. Force drain heals the user of substantially less HP. Absorb feels very useful now with the element of stealth, except if you're very close to a person (which this patch seems to encourage), you can hear the sound of absorb being engaged on a person (rather ineffective in a non-duel situation).


Kicks require a double jump to perform, as do backkicks, but other than that, they seem to require the same pull and jump deal, only you have to mash jump twice instead of once.


DFA no longer has in-flight control. Just like in single player, it makes it somewhat harder to catch someone with this move unless you are behind them to begin with.


People now require a LOT more saber hits to be killed. I was engaging quite a few people in open combat using yellow stance. The result: A lot of saber clashes (note: not a saber lock), and defending against attacks seem to be improved (even overhead attacks can be blocked now to a greater degree, like in singleplayer). Red stance noticably slows you down during a swing so you can't rush past someone and then suddenly retreat again. Also, yellow and especially red swings take longer. Yellow still has a twirl move, but it seems to be neutered (i.e. a lot slower), and somewhat difficult for me to pull off in a combat situation right now. I would imagine it would be useful when you're clashing sabers and you pull off that move unexpectedly, even though it's very slow now.


Drain is still a useful weapon (in my opinion), considering that less damage is taken by a player on average, and healing takes more than double the force cost for half the hp gained (or 1/4 the efficiency of the old heal). Also, grip at level 3 only allows you to walk very slowly with your enemies in hand, although I don't know if you can actually smash em around like in singleplayer.


All the affected force powers' descriptions were changed in the rules explanation menu.


Does anyone know if weapon damage is changed at all?

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you cant spin when doing blue uppercut move anymore either, making it pretty dangerous to do from the air, and pretty difficult to hit people (I imagine since I haven't played other people yet, only bots). And there's a hell of a lot more saber blocking like others have said. I guess you really have to wait for an your opponent to attack, then strike while he's recovering because it's hard to do any substantial damage to a person who's just standing there.


All of this applies to saber no force.

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