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wow lots of blocking going on now.


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saber fighting has definetly become slower now that there is more blocking, at least is seems like there is...

and dear god, 25 health points for half the force bar ouchy.


the kicking is much funner.


whats your opinions on the patch so far?

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much better.


was worryed about heavy, but raven pulled it off fine.


comment: the back+fire1 attack; seems to only work in blue now(backstab) and yellow and red would do a neat spin dealy. cant make it do the spinner now... must have changed the combo.


also the dfa combo has been changed, but to what? did it once postpatch not on purpose, just goofing you know?


we are all gonna have to learn the combat system again.



ps:light stance.


it will block ANYTHING that comes near it now. this is how it should be imho. very good change.

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Originally posted by Pvt_Dancer

Well, i am an idiot. I didn't even know the DAMN THING WAS OUT!


a smartass "idiot" joke comes to mind, but i will go easy on you pvt;) "Well, i am an idiot. " and? :D j/k pvt, but you should know that by now, comming from me.:D

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I don't seem to be able to kick anymore...


I love the Kick!


Did I miss something?


The Saber stregnths seem much better, but I'll have to relearn when i'm hitting someone. I had it down, and I use Med, so that's gonna screw me up for a while.


More blocking is much better. Didn't like the way people could widdle you down and run away all day before.


How in God's name we are gonna play duel on that Bespin map with FP on is beyond me!!!


Anyways, I haven't time to really check it out much tonight, but maybe tomorrow.

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Originally posted by CheshireKat

I don't seem to be able to kick anymore...


I love the Kick!


Did I miss something?


The Saber stregnths seem much better, but I'll have to relearn when i'm hitting someone. I had it down, and I use Med, so that's gonna screw me up for a while.


More blocking is much better. Didn't like the way people could widdle you down and run away all day before.


How in God's name we are gonna play duel on that Bespin map with FP on is beyond me!!!


Anyways, I haven't time to really check it out much tonight, but maybe tomorrow.


kick is alive and well, there wasa typo in the readme. it said the backflip jump is a double click now, it should read kick insted of backflip. just run up punch jump twice, and have a ball:D

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Originally posted by Eraxel

Actually, I think it goes for both the backflip AND the kick, since it's basically the same move.





oh..... your right.... i just have never called it that. i call it a "walljump"


what i was talking about was just back+jump.


my bad:cool:

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follow up: taunting.


no more "H0W U DO TAT" crap, no-sir-ree!


seems that the duel button is now also your taunt key... me i hate this, is there anyway to return this to the old way? my taunt key still works, but so does the sab duel key... hmm will have to look in keybind cfg file.

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Originally posted by SPY_jmr1

hmm will have to look in keybind cfg file.



Yea, thats what they probably did, just added the code along with the duel. Should be able to switch it I would think.

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You're right, SPY_jmr1. Apparently Raven got word of unwanted wallbackflipping so now you have to tap the jump key twice if you want to bounce off a wall. Backflips and Kicks are same as before, I believe.





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Originally posted by Ae0N



Yea, thats what they probably did, just added the code along with the duel. Should be able to switch it I would think.


update: yeah youd think you could do this.... but alas... just riped my cfg apart, and NADA not a damn thing, cept for my taunt bind.... E(my deul key) is only bound to.. well 'bind E "engage_duel" '


taunt is 'bind V "+taunt" '





must be some way to do this.... some of the taunts are just DUMB for starting a duel....

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