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My thoughts on the patch.


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Well I've installed the patch and tried it locally with a few bots to see the changes.


Some of the attacks in all 3 stances are now easier to do, they still require the same key combos it just seems that the keys are recognized a higher percentage of the time now where before it wouldnt always "catch". It appears like light and medium stances have had their speed increased a bit and heavy stance slowed down even more while all three stances seem to have had their damage reduced.


The four new maps are pretty much a joke, they're just square dueling arenas with a few pieces of flashy furniture thrown in and two of the maps arent even new at all, just the dueling arena from inside jedi temple (which has already been released by some people in the community) and the final room where you fight Desann in SP.


The people who constantly use force absorb are even at more of an advantage now because the attacker no longer knows if the person is using absorb until he/she wastes force power on them.


All in all I'am very disappointed in the patch itself, if I didnt have to patch up to continue playing MP mode I wouldnt have bothered with it.

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Originally posted by NyghtWalker

It appears like light and medium stances have had their speed increased a bit and heavy stance slowed down even more while all three stances seem to have had their damage reduced.


One thing you'll notice in the readme -- damage taken from the saber now varies depending when in the swing you get hit. Just catching someone in the beginning or ending of a swing isn't as deadly as before, which might contribue to the 'damage reduced' thing. Also... there's a lot more blocking.

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Originally posted by NyghtWalker

Some of the attacks in all 3 stances are now easier to do, they still require the same key combos it just seems that the keys are recognized a higher percentage of the time now where before it wouldnt always "catch". It appears like light and medium stances have had their speed increased a bit and heavy stance slowed down even more while all three stances seem to have had their damage reduced.


The damage wasn't reduced all around, just at the beggining and ending of a swing. What sense does it make to have a strike do the same damage when you're done swinging it?


The four new maps are pretty much a joke, they're just square dueling arenas with a few pieces of flashy furniture thrown in and two of the maps arent even new at all, just the dueling arena from inside jedi temple (which has already been released by some people in the community) and the final room where you fight Desann in SP.


Ehem, three duel maps "aren't new at all," you forgot the Bespin one, it's from SP. The Jedi Training level is waaaaaay more acurate than the one released by the community. I like the hanger one, because it's more "strategically involved" than the other maps, not to mention the shiney floor. They're good duel maps to play on.


The people who constantly use force absorb are even at more of an advantage now because the attacker no longer knows if the person is using absorb until he/she wastes force power on them.


I dunno if you've heard the argument or not, but if you see someone glowing blue all the time, you're not gonna bother with 'em. It was more of a "Force Repellant" than Absorb.


All in all I'am very disappointed in the patch itself, if I didnt have to patch up to continue playing MP mode I wouldnt have bothered with it.


I happen to like the patch. :p

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I thought that there were problems with the initial release. I think there are problems with the patch. I adapted to the initial release and I will adapt to the patch. I think that the underlying essence of the game is unchanged, and that it will continue to be very fun =)

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Have you played with red stance much?

I was unable to do DFA while just standing still or running. I could do it while jumping, and then jumping forward+attack.

I like it more this way, should make for longer, more interesting change.

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Originally posted by Hell Raiser


The damage wasn't reduced all around, just at the beggining and ending of a swing. What sense does it make to have a strike do the same damage when you're done swinging it?

Yes I read the README as well and granted I havent played against other players just yet (waiting on the servers I frequent to get patched up). I'am just basing these oppinions on what I see against a few bots set on jedi master difficulty. I'am having no trouble beating up to 5 of them now due to all the added blocking and reduced damage (and no I hardly ever used the HS or the DFA, I tend toward medium or light). Duels in this regard take FAR too long now, which will give other people alot more time to come up behind you in a FFA while you're busy playing sabers with someone and shoot/spam you to death. If anything at all should've been nerfed it should have been splash damage.


Ehem, three duel maps "aren't new at all," you forgot the Bespin one, it's from SP. The Jedi Training level is waaaaaay more acurate than the one released by the community. I like the hanger one, because it's more "strategically involved" than the other maps, not to mention the shiney floor. They're good duel maps to play on.


I dont duel very much outside of the challenges in FFA or the off to the side fights in CTF/CTY so areas this small dont appeal to me all that much. It just really erked me to see them claim "4 new maps" when 3 of them arent (you're right, I forgot about the bespin one).


I dunno if you've heard the argument or not, but if you see someone glowing blue all the time, you're not gonna bother with 'em. It was more of a "Force Repellant" than Absorb.


Normally I specifically target these people to fight because while they're wasting force power on absorb they wont be push/pull spamming me off cliffs/catwalks/ect... . ;-) I dont mind getting pushed off and as I've played I have gotten better at avoiding/countering it. Just more fun to get the people who think they're "safe"



I happen to like the patch. :p

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Ok, just got done with my first FFA since the patch. There was about 20 other players and we were on the bespin streets map. DFA still exists but it's no longer a one hit kill, in fact all heavy stance attacks can now be blocked (including the DFA) & (although some damage gets through on occasion)


Also I noticed they finally added icons to the server list for PW protected, saber only, no force, ect... (this is the ONE thing I like about the patch).


Grip has also been nerfed in that you can still carry people around with it but it hardly does any damage even at level 3.


Yet another iffy point about the patch. Now a little icon appears above people's head who is typing a message or in their config screen. While this is great for the fair/honorable people to know what you're doing so they wont attack it also paints a bright bullseye on the person now for those less than honorable people who might've overlooked the typer before.

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Originally posted by Hell Raiser

I dunno if you've heard the argument or not, but if you see someone glowing blue all the time, you're not gonna bother with 'em. It was more of a "Force Repellant" than Absorb.


Thanks for making me laugh :D


Force repellent indeed :rolleyes:

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