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NF Saber Throw


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I don't mean for this to become a griping thread so please don't take it as such. Can anyone explain to me why it is Raven felt the need to add Saber Throw to NF duels? The basically crippled DFA and it is the only thing I could imagine Saber Throw being thrown in to remedy.


Lightsaber duels have suddenly lost they're up close feel and fun. Instead of having to close to your enemy and attack him you can launch your lightsaber at him and attack him that way.


I understand that saber throw is a viable addition to the game but what is the point of adding it to NF servers? Now they are basically like FF servers with less options in terms of gameplay.


To elaborate, FF duels are Star Wars type duels, you've got the Force you get to immerse yourself into that sort of gameplay. NF servers were more based on swordplay--the slight Force jump capabilities enhanced the Acrobatic possibilities of the game and made it reasonably interesting. NF servers are now less about the art of Clashing sabers and more about knowing when to throw your saber. It has basically nullified the heavy stance (although I never use it--this is still a detriment to my thinking) because as soon as you start your swing your opponent can launch his lightsaber and wreck your health.


I see a tremendous loss of gameplay and no real boon to adding this to the game, does anyone know what Raven was responding to when they did this?



Ok...I whined a little more than I hoped, but the real question is why did they add it? Does anyone know that the concern was?

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I started a thread in dedicated servers to find out how to turn it off cause i think it is a compicate lack of attention from raven to add a force power to NF servers.. Almoste like they had a brainfart and went doh!!


i don't get it at all.. If I find a way to get rid of throw I will let you know




And the wonder why ppl are whining about the new patch

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I assumed they put it in in response to peoples complaining about the lack of counters to DFA...but now DFA is all but useless...so the concept of putting it in has diminished even more! Ah well...I guess I'll just play a lot of sp and go back to spending time on Rebellion :(


I just don't find dueling fun with the addition, I can adapt--just the same as I adapted to other game types, but its hard to appreciate NF dueling like this.


What I think would have made sense is making levels of what types of Force powers you could use. The Full Force (all levels), Neutral Force (Push/Pull Speed and Saber Powers), and then No Force, which would only have the Jump level 0, which is there so that you can do the acrobatics...


Can people do that on their servers? If they can and they do point me in the right direction--I would LOVE to be able to duel with the latest balance fixes without having to worry about the whole Saber throw thing...

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Did you people install the PATCH???? I did, and now NF servers let you use Saber throw.


I am not an idiot, thank you very much, but if you haven't installed the patch and you just came on this thread and told me that I'm imagining things--you are!! :p


Am I sure about this? Yes, I created an NF server with just bots and there was a configure Force Powers screen, and the ONLY Force powers enabled were those that were saber related, one of which was Saber Throw.


Does anyone have any inkling as to why Raven decided to change this in the patch?


Please don't bother telling me it didn't happen--it did, you either don't have the patch or are an advanced admin who knows a different way of disabling Force powers from: clicking No Force Powers in the options.

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I just created a server with NF duels and you could not throw the saber.


You guys sure?


Check the Player screen to see if powers are disabled.


If you did have the patch, did you go into the player menu and hit configure Force Powers. As soon as you realize that you CAN configure Force Powers in an NF Duel it should occur to you that something is wrong ;)

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Yes I have some thoughts.




So please quit bringing it up.


You are dillusional.


Go make your own lan server set it to NF then try to saber throw.


When you check you players screen it will say Force is disabled.


Im not an admin.


I have the patch and you can't saber throw.


Take a screenshot or something, maybe its a bug. Glad I dont have it.

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Yes I have some thoughts.




So please quit bringing it up.


You are dillusional.


Go make your own lan server set it to NF then try to saber throw.


When you check you players screen it will say Force is disabled.


Im not an admin.


I have the patch and you can't saber throw.


Take a screenshot or something, maybe its a bug. Glad I dont have it.


If you are one of these people, don't waste my time telling me I'm on crack. Just accept that you're right and leave. Seriously. Don't read anymore of this post--my 'delusions' are not going to fade, I can't be reasoned with--just go.


If you are an intelligent person who plays NF duels and has noticed this obvious change, please post your well thought out remarks :)

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Originally posted by AB_Legion

I could be totally wrong but:


Didn't ChangKhan from Raven just list that you could use Force Saber Throw in NF Duels now?




yup your totally wrong.


Sprry for flaming you Vestril but I have played on NF duel servers and could not throw my saber.


I also have created my own server and it was the same result.


Why don't you post the IP of a NF duel server where this happens?

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Tree--did you not hear me ask you to drop the subject? I yield, you're right, I'm wrong. It's a magical thing that only happens to me when I play on or create NF servers. I'm too stupid to know the difference between NF and FF. Whatever you want to believe I don't want to bicker with you about it. Check out Make sure you hit configure Force Powers. It is listed as an NF Server. It has the NF Icon beside its name. It is NF. There is Saber Throw.


Once again I ask that people reading this thread who understand what I'm talking about: why did Raven add this? It's such a random thing to do and I don't understand what it adds...no one seems to be able to explain it to me.

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Well your server did not work but I tried 2 others.


One was like I said NF no saber throw.


The other one was NF but you could configure saber stuff.


Why did Raven do it?


I heard of people asking for it as a counter to heavy stance. That wouldn't really matter after this patch though.


Its not as big a deal as you are making it out to be. If you don't like it don't play on those servers.


g_forcePowerDisabled 262143 = saber throw on


g_forcePowerDisabled 32767 = off

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How do I find servers with it off?


It's just a weird thing to add. It makies gameplay less fun for me, and I've been trying to enjoy it since the patch came out. I see no reason to play a game I don't enjoy, so its kind of taken away that aspect of the game for me--worse it did it for NO apparent reason.


No one has been able to rationalize it for me. It made sense with the Saber Play of old, but not with the new stuff. Anyway I'm using Usurpers patch swtiching method for now, so I can play NF Duels of old :) if you can point me to servers with Saber throw disabled I would be very grateful.

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Well, I went and made a server. Started a (non-dedicated) server, on the new duel map of the training room in the Jedi academy. I switched force off and set it to saber only. Upon enterign and hitting esc to get to the menu, followed by clicking and accessing the players menu, it said force powers were disabled.


I tried throwing my saber, and it dodn't work.


What has happened to your game, since you appearently can throw the saber, I do not know. I am guessing that you misconfigured something somewhere. Are you 100%-absolutely-and-you'll-kiss-a-gungan-if-you're-wrong-sure you had force powers disabled, and not merely set the force rank to the lowest rank available?

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Absolutely certain. Are you certain you set up the server in a regular way. I am the most basic kind of user and though I am smart enough to know how to set up an NF server, I wouldn't know how to, say, set that up in game, or any other way but toggling the No Force Powers button while setting up the game.


Also, when I select servers to play on I select the ones that have the little no force icons on them. I am CERTAIN that I play on NF servers and CERTAIN that I have Saber throw on all of the ones I've tried :)


There isn't a misconfiguration mistake possible because I'm not advanced enough to do something like that.



This really is true--you guys have me so paranoid I've double checked it like 10 times. The easiest way for me to prove to you that I'm not an idiot is this: ONLY the lightsaber powers were enabled, if I removed points from them I couldn't add them anywhere else, not even to jump. NF now has Saber Throw.

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Well, I set the server up the old-fashioned way (to follow your steps). I am unfamiliar with the no force icons though. I have seen the lightsaber only icon, and some icon with small blue thingies with a red not sign (circle with a line through it), but the server settings on those haven't been NF. Same goes for the green thingies icon.


Personally, I use ICQ for my gaming fixes. I mainly play with friends, as I find the attitude of many players on public servers... distasteful. (Hey, maybe I'm just being geeky, but I like my Star Wars fixes to be WITHOUT luke running around and calling me fag becouse I pushed him).


I'm afraid I can't help you, then. It's a peculiar case you have there. Perhaps they can help shed some light on it in the technical support board in these forums?

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