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NF Saber Throw


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NF Saber servers that have the latest 1.03 patch installed DO support Saber Throwing. You can configure it and give it level 3 force power, even on NF servers.


Don't worry Vestril, it's not your pc, and you're not crazy either :).


And Tree and all the others, if you're still joining a server that hasn't installed the 1.03 patch, then you won't be able to throw your saber on NF servers. If you have difficulties finding a server with the 1.03 patch installed, try joining or hosting a game at the Zone (http://www.zone.com). Make sure you have the 1.03 patch installed and the ones you're playing with have the 1.03 patch installed and voila= saberthrowing in NF sabergames.

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Yay!! I'm not crazy!!! It's been so frustrating dealing with non-believers all day!! So...now to the actual topic of the thread!! Does anyone know what prompted then to add it? I never saw anyone complaining about the lack of Saber Throw in NF duels...and I can't think of any balance issues...

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err.. I think it's something they accidently turned on.. I really think they're slapping their heads, going doh, and are mocking the dude who accidentaly left "configure saberthrow" on for NF games.


.. NF=No Force=Saberthrow shouldn't be part of it.

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Well when I first setup the server I used the ingame menu set NF adn sabers only and when I started it force was disabled and I couldn't throw.


However, I tried again just to make sure using the same steps but this time force wasn't completely disabled and I could throw. :confused:


So next I setup my ded server for NF saber only duel and joined it. Again I could saber throw and it appears that that's how it's supposed to be. Since this is the case I agree it does ruin the game.


I joined a NF FFA Saber only and 60-70% of the players were using saber throw and not even trying to fight... I was not happy to say the least so I left.


As a solution I think if you disable some force powers (like heal) then saber throw is automatically disabled so you could take away team energize or someother unused power and that should (hopefully) also disable throwing. I shall test this more and get back to ya.

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err.. I think it's something they accidently turned on.. I really think they're slapping their heads, going doh, and are mocking the dude who accidentaly left "configure saberthrow" on for NF games.


.. NF=No Force=Saberthrow shouldn't be part of it.


What's funny is that I honestly think that that is the most plausible explanation lol. Oh well...

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Failing that, do what i do: Play with friends and set a password on the server. Just make a house rule that noone throws their saber. when you're playing with friends, it's easier to enforce a rule like that.

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ok this is weird... I just setup a quick LAN game (duel, NF, saber only) and I couldn't use force again. I think it maybe a problem writing/reading the info from the config I dunno... :confused:


Anyway for a sure way to get it to work goto the console (SHIFT+`) and type... g_forcepowerdisable 262143


then type... map_restart and it'll disable force and you won't be able to configure them.


Or if your like me and like the jumping and stuff type g_forcepowerdisable 262141 this will disable all but force jump.


You can set the value to disable any power you wish (for the list of values goto HERE tick the powers you don't want) just remember you need to use map_restart after you change the g_forcepowerdisable variable for it to take effect.

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I hate to break it to you but when you disable force you can't even go in to the force list area cause it says "Force is Disabled".


The only force in NF is Jump. No Saber Throw, no speed, nothing else. Just jump


I just went in and tried cause this post made me curious if it was actually true. Maybe you set it up wrong Vestril.


I'm not flaming, just telling you guys how it was when I created a server with bots.

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Actually its ..strange, I think by default the 1.03 patch enables force throw but some settings disable it. Whenever I create a NF server throw is enabled but I recently joined a 1.03 server which had it disabled. Its quirky, you both are right

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Well I have been in a few NF 1.03 servers and the saber thow does work. I'm only guessing they added this to make the duels more like the FFA duels. I have seen quite a lot of posts here with people wishing the NF Duel servers were more like the FFA duels with only force jump and saber throw being allowed, but I remember there was some sort of problem in 1.02 while trying to configre a server to act like a FFA duel... It just wouldnt work even if the corret seed was used.


Since I tend to like the style of FFA duels more, I really dont have a problem with saber throw being allowed in the NF servers. It's just all the other force powers that bother me. :p

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Weird, maybe it's a mod or someother option.


All I did was select "No" on the Allow Force option and it took out all the force powers but force jump. Took off the force selection screen in game. Maybe it's something that was changed in console on the server or a mod that changed it automatically that was downloaded by the person. I have no clue but I don't think any of the few mods I installed (most pertain to skins anyway or new maps) changed the NF settings.


And since it appears both ways are possible. There is no point in complaining about either

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*sigh* On the topic at hand...does anyone know why they changed it? Were there complaints? Is there any reasoning for it?


Ok...so don't waste time saying that it doesn't work/happen. It does, get over it :D. Don't waste time telling me that its not a problem because all I have to do is play on the servers without Saber Throw, they're hard to find and I'm a busy man (as indicated by my post count :p)--actually its just that the the low ping servers seem to include Saber Throw :(. Don't bother telling me that Saber Throw isn't that bad, blah blah blah...it's a Force Power, its a No Force Server, these two things don't go together.


Also, You have a level 1 Force Jump on NF servers, this is so you can do acrobatics. It costs 0 Force points and you can't shade in any more points, even now :).


Saber Throw unnecisarily changes the dynamic of NF duels and I'm on a quest to figure out why!! Tell meeeeeeee

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Raven is simply adding more options to the game. It has been posted in this thread exactly how a server admin can toggle saber throwing on their server, so I can't see how adding more diversity to the game can be a bad thing. Just find some servers that use the settings you like and add 'em to your favorites.

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Did any of you check out the link that Mr_Sharky posted? It's the answer to all your problems: they didn't enable it, they just enabled a way to enable and disable any force powers you want. Just make sure your g_forcepowerdisable is set to the right value (from that link, eg. just saber attack and defend is 163839, and for saber throw as well is 32767) and you're set.

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if you guys noticed, they added new icons to the game.


there are some servers that some force powers are disabled, but others still work. ------these servers have an icon with a circle and line through it. these ones usually allow saber throw.


the other icon is with a red x on it. these servers no force powers are enabled.


check which type you are entering.

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