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NF Saber Throw


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if you guys noticed, they added new icons to the game.


there are some servers that some force powers are disabled, but others still work. ------these servers have an icon with a circle and line through it. these ones usually allow saber throw.


the other icon is with a red x on it. these servers no force powers are enabled.


check which type you are entering.


Yes...I noticed...the thing is that in SOME of these servers with the little red X's over the Force Icons, you can still Throw your Lightsaber.


Why do I dislike the diversity?? Because it should be in FF servers, NF servers should have NO FORCE It's a REALLY linear and simple concept.


Please please PLEASE don't tell me how easy it is to just go find one of these other servers. There is no point to your telling me that. I've been told that. Message recieved.


My idea was that people who had been on the forums more than me would be able to tell me that a lot of folks out there were whining about the lack of Saber Throw in NF servers, but this obviously isn't the case since no one has brought it up. Apparently Raven just decided that this is an area in which the game was lacking.

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Well okay I'll play devils advocate Vestril - :)


you've said multiple times that we're dealing with a force power here that doesn't belong in a no force setting.


Wha's your definition of a force power? Something you set force points to or something uses force power from your pool? Cause technically under the first definition saber offense (read medium and heavy stance) are force powers. :p:)


I hear you though. Give it a couple days and the NF duel server admins will set the g_forcepowerdisable variable for no saber throwing. Spread the word!


If anybody knows any admins, tell em to check the dedicated server forum here for the info on what to do or just this link:





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Like I said in a different post DarkSide:


So you don't see the difference between swordfighting and using a mystical energy field to hurl and guide your sword? Wow...sorry...


:D You could also argue that Force Jump was in it. Well on the standard jump level you couldn't do acrobatic moves that people can do in real life, so I would contend that Force Jump level One is actually just a product of physical stamina, and the Force Bar is actually a stamina bar but no one told us...:rolleyes:


Anyway I think most people can see that Saber Throw is crossing the line, and hopefully some server Admins browse these forums and are implementing the changes :)


If you feel like fighting about the whole 'what is a Force Power' issue I'll be happy to oblige though...whatever bumps my thread up :p

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Vestril, I can answer your main question, "why did Raven add saber throw to NF?"


when I emailed Raven about patch and EP idea's one of the topics that came up in the reply was saber throws and force jumps in NF


they received huge amounts of requests to allow both force jumps (I'm assuming higher than level 1 jumps) and saber throwing into NF settings. the requests for that were probably due to the hit zone and menouverability of the DFA move, but according to the reply I got from Raven, they received enough requests that they decided to add it.


now of course since they nerfed the DFA, saberthrowing isn't really needed in NF but that is why it was added (based on the info I have) It's possible there were other factors as well, but that's the only one I know of.


Hope that answers your question


oh also, the console variables now work for turning off specific force powers and leaving on others, so the admins have full say over what powers can and can't be used on the server.


prior to the patch, if you turned off any other force power, then force jump and saber throw were eliminated even though all the force powers (except the one turned off) were available


the purple one

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what can I say?

maybe they felt force jump level 1 was enough despite the comments


I can't speak for Raven but on the occasions I've made a map or skin and had requests for changes, I found some ideas better than others, and in the end, used my own judgement to decide what improved upon my original idea, and what would change it too drastically. Maybe the did the same thing.



the purple one

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They probably initially added in saberthrow as a way of counteracting red (before they decided to also shift saberdueling to Singleplayer style.)


The only real problem with saberthrow is its speed and accuracy. Whereas all the lightsaber "swings" take time and require you to often shift your view a certain way and be a certain distance from the target, saberthrow only requires that you tap your alt-fire key whenever the guy swings. Combine its ease of use with the fact that its the fastest attack in the game (since u can theoretically back away at the same time that you throw your saber without impairing your ability to hit with it) makes throw a counter to every slower swing. In fact, it provides an incentive not to swing at all, but to instead wait for the other guy to swing, then back away and throw your saber (simaultaneously) so that you dodge his swing and he takes 30 damage.

Now, when both players catch onto this, the duel quickly deteriorates into a throwfest. Each player throws his lightsaber in an attempt to hit the other player at range, with neither ever closing in to swing.


One solution to this problem was suggested by funkygreen to make it so that you can throw your saber (which arguably is not in itself a force power), but you can't retrieve or guide it (which is where the force comes into play.) The problem with this is that the thrown saber could land in an inaccessible location, nulling the rest of the duel (no kickflips in nf servers.)

Another solution would be to induce a windup time and a movement slowdown for throw, similar to the windup time and movement slowdown present in Offensive Stance swings. This would reduce the effectiveness of throw as a close-range counter and allow the other player to catch up to the thrower due to the movement slowdown.

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I like the idea of linear Saber throw with no Force interaction--hurling a lightsaber might actually make sense thanks to the wide potential of collateral damage.


The throwing it in an inacessable place would be fixable by allowing it to respawn in your hand after 10 or 15 seconds if you didn't retrieve it. If you got hacked up in the interim...well it would be your own fault for throwing it in the wrong place :D


I like the ideas anyway :)

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