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insanity and whining


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couple of things...


1) some of you people are insane. i have never seen such grossly insulting quotes to a company that constantly monitors the community, looking for worthwhile advice. what the F__K is your collective problem? how could you ridicule a company for 'ruining' your experience? It's not YOUR game...THEY made it. Shut the HELL up.


2) the actual gameplay changes...in terms of the saber stuff (which i've got to test a bit now) aren't even bad. in fact, they seem to be exactly what people wanted...more like the movies, more close quarters, more blocking/realistic. i've seen lots of people request this...now people accuse raven of coming up with this from nowhere (another example, read the firingsquad review)? i'd go so far to say it was the consensus view. the styles don't play out entirely dissimilarly, heavy still does the most damage by a bit and such. medium is by no means useless. the fights ARE longer but as far as I can tell, skill differentiation will still be there. good people will still dominate. relax.


as far as dueling goes, i think people are whining because they have to learn some new tricks...deal with it. stop thinking the world revolves around you, and try this patch out for days or WEEKS before coming to a final judgement. you had like a few hours and you are already condemning raven as 'stupid' and 'crazy?'


a lot of you should be ashamed.

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I think people just have a natural habit to whine. They play and get sabered to all hell and cry "change the saber combat to make it more fun" when they actually do and they still get killed they cry "why did you nerf the saber" People will always complain. Raven does a good job of fixing what needs to be fixed without attempting to please everyone. Thumbs up guys.

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saber vs. saber combat better now with a few exceptions, although I havent said as much when perhaps I should have.


Saber vs. Saber is now really no longer a contest of speed+skill, now it's more of a contest of patience+skill. The downside of that is now even the skill less noobs who did most of the whinning about the saber combat before have a really high chance of lasting longer than they deserve to.


Saber vs. Other Weapons: is completely and totally unbalanced now giving the supreme advantage to the gun users leaving those who prefer sabers while enjoying the mass carnage of a saber+guns server with a useless stick for fighting the endless barrage of gun fire.

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