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1.03 - One hit HARD stance saber kill!


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Yes why they tweaked the DFA move... they forgot to tweak something else, something I like to call the "floor mopping" move. It's quite simple... all you need is level 3 pull and your pretty much set. Stand in place with HARD stance other jedi will run up to you... and swing... at the momment he swings and is at point blank range, force pull him so it trips him. When he falls do a quick 180 turn so your back is facing his body and hit (Back + Primary Attack). Your charater will do a backwards arch slash across the floor... (or Mop the floor) killing the dropped foe in 1 hit.


While it may look cool, i believe its worse then the DFA move... because atleast you can avoid the DFA... and the only way i see a way to avoid Mopping is either use absorb (lightside only) or dont attack... which leaves darkside kinda hopeless...


Reason why i'm posting it? I want everyone to start doing it just like the DFA so raven will consider it a problem and tweak it... for it needs tweaking my friends...

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To my understanding and experience ... if you have force pull at the highest level it's very difficult for someone to pull you in - same goes for force push.


This is why pull is so effective - most people don't use it and think it's only for offense, when in fact if you have push or pull all the way up, it's just as much a defense against other push/pull'ers.


Also, whenever someone pulls me.. I do a quick 180 myself and jump a lot. It usually gets me out of the way decently enough.


Just giving alternatives . . .

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well, the alternatives are good, but in many cases they won't work. or should i say many players won't use them?

because when somebody get's pulled it usally happens so quick that you can only do something when you already lie flat on the floor.

if the enemy wants to pull this move of by the time you have realized what happend you'll already be dead.


that's just my opinion though

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I totally disagree with you NewBJedi, your alternatives won't work at all.


Yes, if you have lvl 3 pull / push you'll resist more easily.


But don't forget you have to ATTACK your opponent in order to kill him....so you'll have to slash him, and then your defense will be OFF. Then, your opponent pulls/pushes you, you fall...blam, you're dead....

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The counter is simple, Light force you use protection when you get knocked down you take 13 percent of the dmg.


Dark force you use dark rage when you get knocked down you take 50 percent dmg. Just turn it off after you stand up.


Dark rage- swing 2x faster, take 50 percent less dmg, slowly lose hps, 10 second recovery after use.


Its enough to survive one cheap swing.

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Pssst. here's the secret to avoiding getting pulled down...




On top of that, cig has listed all the other counters. You'd figure with THAT many counters against one move, you'd be happy and be quiet for more than a day. Guess not.

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Actually it does keep them from doing it all the time, especially the light force protection. Even if they keep knocking you down you get enough force power to keep turning your protect on. Every time you get knocked down your only taking like 10-15 dmg with protect on. Eventually they will run outta force from trying to knock you down so much. Then you have force to knock them down while they are out of force . . .


Did I mention absorb kepts neutral force powers from working on you?

Did I also mention if you time it right you can Jump off the ground to avoid the swing by holding your jump button?

And if they are standing too close(which you HAVE stand close to backstab) your standing jump will turn into a flipkick an knock them down, which you then run at them for the kill . . .

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