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Official Patch Poll --- Good Or Bad?!


What do you think of path 1.03  

196 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think of path 1.03

    • I like it, thanks Raven.
    • I hate it, please work on patch 1.05b
    • I don\'t really care, I bought this game because I thought it was a golf game.

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Please try and post if you played with the patch for 1-2 hours AT LEAST.


The patch has weakened guns abit by making ammo scarce.


DFA can be done, but its harder to execute. It can now be done as a combo.


Heavy stance has 2 move combos.


Medium has lost the fruity piroette. Its finisher is SLIGHTLY harder to do (0.5 seconds longer). But still hurts a plenty.


Light stance is faster, can truly chain combos indefinetly as the manual stated.


Heal doesn't heal as much, it can buy you a few more light hits, 1 more medium hit, and SOL on heavy hits, if you were low to begin with.


People can't tell you have absorb on until they lightning/drain/grip you.. for that SURPRISE!!! effect.


Saber throw doesn't use force, however your open to more attacks, you can get knocked down and lose your saber like in SP.


Sabers block more, making fights last longer.


4 new levels.


You have to download a file, and run it in order to get the patch installed (this may be what's bugging all the 29.9k modem users out there).



If I missed something throw it in there... let's get a serious concensus.

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One that you forgot is the Grip overhaul. You can't move around someone while you're gripping them (well, you can but only at a walking pace) and they can now throw their saber when they are being gripped. I played for a couple of hours last night with my roommate and he was able to either push me right out of grip or throw his sword and kill me without any problems whatsoever.


Seems like they overbalanced it in the other direction. Now its incredibly hard to get the grip on someone. Least I found it so. Anyone have better results with it?


On the whole though, I like the new patch. Think they did a great job.

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If you have a 28k modem, try moving out of the Stone age :)


I've downlaoded it but I haven't installed it yet. I t seems pretty good.


Does it fix the can't get damaged by your own minds bug!?


I can't be damaged from my own trip mines and/or remote mines, sometimes.

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I'm going to try to do the Jedi Cannon ( I liked that one).


Is the dmg on grip improved to compensate for its slow responsiveness? I think grip was toned down mainly for the ledged maps with lots of drops... I could be wrong.



Also I forgot to throw in that you can now use g_dismember on a server and hack people to pieces for a more "satisfying" SW'esque win.

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This patch takes out a lot of the luck element and replaces it with skill yet to be gained through practice. No more block failing, no more DFA spamming, no more grip whoring... all the things that were being abused by the n00bs and lamers have been toned down. They can still do it, but now they have to learn new skills as well. Guess what, seems like a lot of people think ignorance is bliss. The game really has changed for the better and those who don't realise it are welcome to stay behind with all the "Padawans".

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now it really depends, i was playing a botmatch and it was almost impossible to kick


ive never played a botmatch pre-patch apart from when i bough it and didnt know about kick


are bots just resistant to kick? or has the patch nerfed kick?


can you still kick human players please oh please christ if they have ruined kick i am just going to go berzerk

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You can't figure this out for youself? Erm... nevermind, I'll say it for the millionth time.

A- Grab him and swing him towards the edge in a nice big upwards curve releasing when you feel you have enough momentum. Just like you could throw things in Black&White really. Get the right angle and you can toss people about effortlessly. I have done this approx. 2.598.573.125.986 times so far. Seriously funny to chuck people up so they splat on the floor a few levels lower rather than fall into the "pit". You can also use a push after you lift him to chuck him away.

B- Don't want him to counter it and suffer damage? Shake him about. Not just from left to right, but in cirlces, in arcs over you, just so the way he is moving is too unpredictable for him to line up a push quickly.

Best advice: do it in the right place and time. Grabbing him at the end of DFA and quiclky tossing him... or whilst he's on the ground. Or has his back turned or is fighting someone else. Don't do it if he is expecting it.


Darksider, if you would have read the read-me file that came with it you would know you have to double-click the jump button now. It is slightly harder to do but the sideways kicks stayed the same.

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ARGHHH you have to doubletap jump to kick!


at least in theory, but frontal kicks JUST DONT WORK


i can still do side kicks fine but god damn front is broken and thats the best kind of kick! im despairing.......



the rest of the patch was great but this is near unforgiveable.........

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Originally posted by Darksider

ARGHHH you have to doubletap jump to kick!


at least in theory, but frontal kicks JUST DONT WORK


i can still do side kicks fine but god damn front is broken and thats the best kind of kick! im despairing.......



the rest of the patch was great but this is near unforgiveable.........


In defense of the new setup, you can choose if you want to jump or flip - it's not a random thing anymore.


Make a small script that double jumps and binds to a key - you can even add delays if necessary.


I wish this were the weekend, I could find or make one real quick - works sucks. :p

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Hmmm.... I haven't had any trouble kicking whatsoever. Gripping is still a problem for me though. I get pushed out of it the second I try. I have it at maximum.


Ive tried shaking them, Nil but the guy in my grip doesn't swing as fast as I move him around.... theres a delay and he just pushes me before I can move him.

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You'll get the hang of it eventually Dancer. Try not to reverse the direction you are moving him in but keep him in motion. You can at least slow it down. As I said though, do it when they don't expect it or just killl them with your saber/gun.

Oh, and it's Nill with two ll's. Amazing how many people spell my name wrong ;).

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It's a moot point. I don't know why people still use Push or Pull to break grip. I have used absorb since the second week I played the game. Someone grips me..I hit absorb...boom...I drop out of it immediately. This is MUCH better than push or pull since I don't have to be looking at you to perform it. Grip is useless when you have enough juice to use absorb.

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The new patch basicaly provides Absorb users like me with the ability to cloak our absorb.


lemme tell ya how come i think that is way over imbalancing.


Before the patch someone with absorb on was left alone or attack in other ways. or waited tell there absorb was gone and drained down.




Absorb does 3 things.


Now it is invis. Blocking the attacker from knowing when to time drain/pull/push.


It absorbs the Pwr used by the attackers. Protects the user from grip, drain, lighting, pull, push,


and the last thing it does is nulify offensive force moves.


So now we have jedi masters running around with an Invis Force sucking Offensive force nulifying Suit of armor.


Which totaly offsets the balance of the game.



Here is a scenario for ya.


light and a dark both turn a corner at the same time


Dark guy reacts first, he hits the pull button to pull the light guy down. Not realizing that the light guy had absorb on. He not only fails the attack, but now has given the LIght force guy 3-4 blocks of free mana.


THe light force guy finaly reacts with a force pull but he isnt close enough to effect the dark guy now.


The dark guy backs off and does a couple Dfa swings


Deciding that maybe absorb is off (who knows cause its invis)


He drains.


Omg no absorb. he knows he has the light guy now.. he moves in and Grips him. All of a sudden the light guy is blue again. The light guy also has a Full bar of mana. The light guy pulls the dark guy down to the ground and executes Backstab.


The dark guy respawns and trys to figure out what to do Next time.




Why no one can see this huge imbalance inthe game ill never know.



Pree patch a dark player could over come some of the difficulties from absorb by knowing that when the blue glow is gone i can attack them.


You have now made it a shot in the dark.. and with drain costing so much.. Its a huge shot in the dark that can probably cost ya another run from the respawn.



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Wiggles -

While your scenario is good example of what could happen, it's by far not the only one. How about this:


Light jedi turns on absorb. Dark Jedi tries a push to test the water, sees absorb is on. LJ gets slight force boost. Dark Jedi backs off, while light jedi attempts to force pull him in. Light jedi now around 50% of force pool and must make determination as to whether to keep absorb on or off. Will he try another force attack? Turn it off and you are susceptible to drain. The Dark Jedi has to make determination if absorb is on or off. If its on you are susceptible to losing your force to no avail. Both jedi charge in sabers swinging. Sabers clash and the Dark Jedi emerges victorious.


At the risk of being labeled a role-playing fanboy, you'll see this is more movie-like. In all the duels, vader vs obi-wan, luke vs vader twice, obi wan and maul, qui-gon and maul.....Force was never used as the main offensive weapon. Force is used to setup things, push someone, throw crap at them, but every single guy dies or gets an appendage cut off by a good ole lightsaber swing.



Pre-patch absorb was a giant DO NOT USE FORCE ON ME sign. Anyone who knew what the blue glow meant wouldn't use any force on you. It essentially made a fight of dark vs light come down to those 20 secs you have absorb on (max if you use no powers). Turn on your blue glow and try to take care of business (without using any other force powers) before it runs out cuz the instant it turns off you're getting either a lightning or a grip and you have NO force to counter/heal/saber throw/etc. The old absorb if you tried to "time" it would inevitably eat up your force pool since the instant u turn it off you get a drain, or just through multiple absorb activations your force pool quickly goes to nill.


What the new absorb does is add a strategic element to force power usage for both sides. Is it on? Do I need it on? It prevents spamming of many force powers...in short IN MY OPINION it creates a better duel.

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The only thing I don't like is they didn't fix the running backwards speed.


I mean c'mon, who here can run the same speed backwards as they can forwards (and I mean at a full sprint)?


*Sudden thought* I wonder if they added in any new animations for the double bladed lightsaber...damnit, I'm at work and can't check...son of a...

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I agree absorb is a bit overpowered but I was still dying and heaven forbid someone gets a drain in on you with your absorb off. It helps but its not all powerful, light side is supposed to be very defensive. If you absorb and you start pulling/pushing your force runs out even faster.

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I think when it comes to the balancing, Raven took the same path as many not so bright game companies in the past. Instead of fixing the classes they perceived as weak, they nerfed the classes that worked well, so that now all classes are week.


And it's very unfortunate that they nerfed the strong stance as much as they did. The reason there were many damaging swings in the strong stance in the first place was because the swings are so slow, and very predictable, therefore easy to counter (if, of course, you have skill in the faster stances). To me, the slow strong stance was already balanced out with the fast stances. I could use all three stances with success. They all have their place in different types of fights, and they all worked fine. Now, with the nerfs to the strong stance, the advantage is given to the skilless twirlers - you know the ones, they just spin in circles blindly swinging away like blindfolded drunkards trying to hit a pinata. There isd no skill in the way they fight, and now they have an equal chance in battle against a skilled stong stance, who calculates precisely when and where to begin a swing to attack.


The kick change is also an annoyance. I never flipped when I meant to kick or vice versa. If you are flipping when you meant to kick then you are not positioned where you should be in order to kick. Hence, you were just doing it wrong.


They should have worked on fixing the bugs first, and then slowly balancing out the stances.


Wiggles - hey bro, I got the server back to 1.02c.


Grimlock - Polls, especially with low turnout, are not very reliable. But if you want to look at them, then let's look at this one:



The number of people who think the patch sucks very much outweighs those who don't thin it sucks.

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fter playing a few more times with the 1.03 patch, I found a couple of other notables.


1) Kick rarely works on a server with any lag whatsoever.


2) The new patch really sucks for CTF saber only games. As a flag carrier, I can literally stand around for the span of the full timelimit, with 4 guys constantly swinging at me, and they barely do any damage to even my shields due to the unusually high blocking success.

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I still can find how to put more points into Force Drive or Putt.




ROFLOL- ............there's no skill to the sand wedge anymore, it's just a hack-fest.


-Lando Woods rocks--- WooHoooooooooo!!

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