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I've have this idea, because JKII is based of quake 3 engine, which is easy for an exprenced programer to modifiy, and its also easy for people to create models, and levels. To get to the point. I have a story line in the star wars universe that i would like to put out, and i think that Jedi knight II would be the perfect base in which to do so, I was wondering if any model makers/map makers, and mod makers would be willing to devote some time in which to do put this singal player mod out.

to do this i proably need about



At least six map makers three that are exprenced in triggers, ect.. and know how to turn a story line into a mission.. and three that could support the more exprenced map makers.


I would proably also need about 4 model makers that can create skins, and other objects like ships ect..


And finaly i would need about 7 mod makers to create the things need to make the missions diffrent from the missions in the JK2, they would need to be fairly exprenced in programing quake 3 engine. atleast 2 should be exprenced the rest could pick it up as they go.



If anyone out there is interested in joining please E-mail me (tazey@xtra.co.nz) or reply on this forum.

there will be no pay for the time, but if the mod became popler then prehaps you might get famous in the editing community..


I would be thankfull for any advice or anything that you guys could input into this idea of mine


Thanks ThrawN

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