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How Does Blocking "Work"??


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You select your lightsaber... slowly now, are you following this? then once you are holding your lightsaber... as in, it is in your hands... you look in the direction the attack is coming from... at your enemy/the other guy on the screen. Then you block! Guess what... you can do it whilst moving about or jumping too!



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That doesn't really answer me Nill.


I had the game and got rid of it because I was disappointed in the "randomness" of MP sabering.


I'm trying to ascertain if MP duelling is based on skill and if blocking can be done deliberately.



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Try it for your self then hoth.


Personally i had lost interest in the game because of the lack of collision, the game still required skill, just not to the degree i liked..with the increased blocking and imho tighter saber control its almost a completly differnt game...which is why the whiners are coming out in hordes..people hate changes that makes them a newb all over again :D



eat it DFA spamers!

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Silent Wolf I don't have it any more.


I WANT to get it again if I believe the MP saber duelling is now based on skill instead of the whirling about "hope and hit" stuff we had before.


Tell me honestly and frankly; is duelling now pure skill or is it still wild swinging and "hope and hit"?


And no one has answered me yet. Can blocking be done intentionally? If so, how?



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the meat of it is that now, like in single player, you can parry (ie block with a swing of your own colliding with their swing) rather than only being able to block if you are not swinging, simple change but makes a world of difference, on blue stance while not attacking you can block nearly anything and can parry everything else

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Thanks for the replies.


Just one further thing related to this.


Are the blue and yellow styles still hard to control in the sense that you're always spinning around and moving extremely fast while trying land a hit on someone?


If so, I still consider this "swing and hope" because you only have minimal control over your attack movement.


If you played prior to 1.03 you'll know what I mean.


Is the duelling essentially the same in this regard?



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Originally posted by Silent Wolf

Try it for your self then hoth.


Personally i had lost interest in the game because of the lack of collision, the game still required skill, just not to the degree i liked..with the increased blocking and imho tighter saber control its almost a completly differnt game...which is why the whiners are coming out in hordes..people hate changes that makes them a newb all over again :D



eat it DFA spamers!


I was concerned about the blocking before the patch came out, but it's pretty funny and movie like. The increased control makes the game a whole new more involving experience now.


(in my opinion) :)

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Originally posted by Hoth

Thanks for the replies.


Just one further thing related to this.


Are the blue and yellow styles still hard to control in the sense that you're always spinning around and moving extremely fast while trying land a hit on someone?


If so, I still consider this "swing and hope" because you only have minimal control over your attack movement.


If you played prior to 1.03 you'll know what I mean.


Is the duelling essentially the same in this regard?




First of all, I think it's a bit early yet to really know how blocking works now. I could have told you before the patch, but now, I've got to do some experimenting to make sure.


I'd say that medium style feels much less random because of the removal of many of the spin-swing combos. This is a good thing. Spins, for the most part, were just as slow as strong swings but did less damage--points off for both. Now, when you hold attack and continue to move in one direction, you simply repeat the same swing, at least in medium style. I'll need to test Light some more, but the combos for it seem not to have changed much.


I'll be posting new strat guides on the new *ASC* site this week. watch for me to post the new URL.

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Yes it does appear to take more skill than luck. A LOT of the randomness has been taken out of the equation, and it appears that large elements of the single player saber system has been injected into multiplayer.


I think a majority of the whiners right now are the ones who haven't touched the single player version of the game and have no idea what it means when someone says "The single player saber system is soooooo much better". People complaining about having to re-learn a new saber system...while that's true to an extent, the saber system was always there, just in the single player game mode. More locks, blocks and parries (THANK YOU!) gives you saber fights that are more intense, more movie-like and a better gaming experience.


While Artifex posted in another thread that it's too early right now to say whether the patch is thumbs up or thumbs down, (a good point), I think the implementation of the single player sabering system is an obvious thumbs up. Anyone whose played the single player game has longed for those type of battles in multi-player and even from my limited game playing on the new patch (~3-4 hrs last night) I am a very happy camper in that respect. While other elements that have been nerfed/adjusted will need some time to determine balance (like drain, heal, etc), I think (IMO) that from the standpoint of saberists like myself, the patch hit a homerun in this area.



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I actually started using Blue Stance last night because it worked. I found that I would get in multiple swings for each of their 1 and that one was usually blocked... I just sat their Nicking people down slowly and listening to them go " Oaahh" Owww" Yuuuii"


I think it is all still a bit random... and it is still so quick that it is NOTHING like a real sword battle.


Strong stance is Just as deadly as before, but it is now REALLY hard to hit with it. DFA still works, but they made it much more difficult to use well... someone would have to be AFK to get hit by it.

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Originally posted by LooNBB

I think it is all still a bit random... and it is still so quick that it is NOTHING like a real sword battle.


real sword fights ARE quick.

you spend a bit of time manuvering and creating your opening, timing and distance being the most important factors in any form of combat, but between two skilled opponents, the first mistake is also the last.




it cuts

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