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Did the patch nerf the Morgan Ghost model??

Lord Nodata

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The reason they nerfed the skin is because technically it was an exploit. the only way you could get it was through the console. The reason they had to nerf the exploit skins was because of the arms only kyle. Do many people were using that, being cheap bas... people. But i'm disapointed. I always used the headless kyle skin, just because almost nobody used him, yet every1 could see him. It was like a universal custom skin... but he's gone now... oh well



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They removed exploit skins. They don't need to remove all. In fact, they didn't, you can still be an acrobat, a fencer, a boss, a forceuser. Just not dead morgan. I haven't checked for the commander yet, but I know the cool Jedi is still there.

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Originally posted by Leagle

LooNBB + Tree you are inconsiderate arseholes.:mad:


I will see.


Whats your problem geek?


He asked if they removed the model and I said yes. Get off my jimmy. Learn to read.

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