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Details About Some Patch Changes


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Originally posted by Nill the Mean

To JellyBelly:


Good pointers...

It would be nice I suppose, but I still think it wouldn't work in theory. The remaining factor I'm concerned about is what if the servers you normally always connect to start using options you don't like? If the jolt.co.uk servers started using certain things I didn't like then I would be deprived of say, 5 servers already. The list of places where I get a good ping doesn't stretch forever AND I have ADSL... That is why I think it would be better for one general game, which is very good. Makes everything a lot simpler. And for that we just need to give the right pointers to Raven for the next patch. Then we wait.


I understand Your concerns Nill.


However, my concern is for the community as a whole. What You might not like, someone else does...and vice versa.


Your argument is mainly based on Your subjective opinion. Now...who is to decide what is a "very good one general game" for example? To agree on what is "good" is the very knot of this whole issue in the first place, and it is yet to be solved.


I believe serverside options would solve this problem to a great extent, and I think the benefits of giving people a chance to find what they really want, will more than compensate for any efforts that might be required in finding it.


Also, I think Your concern in all fairness has to be put in relation to how picky You are under current conditions, not to any "would be" scenario.


As serverside options would supply You with more options, it also goes without saying that You would afford to be more picky...thus having a harder time finding exactly what You "want" according to Your increased demands.


More options require more choices...but theres nothing to suggest that the amount of servers wouldn't increase over time. In fact, having a wider range of possibilities to tailor Your server to Your specific needs...is more likely to even further encourage people to setup their own servers more than anything else.


And again...once You found good servers, adding them to Your favorites will be no problem. The possibility of getting something that might even be perfect acording to Your specific wishes, makes scanning a few servers once in a while a small price to pay indeed.


Try to look at the bigger picture in a long run perspective...the definition of what is "good" is highly subjective and differs greatly from person to person. That is why it is more beneficial to the community as a whole to have individual choices like serverside options instead of one static patch.





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I love the gross generalisations present on these forums.








I didn't realize Players A and B both have the ability to read the minds of everyone who has ever played this game; they should both put their talents to better use than wasting them on a silly videogame.


I think it's great that (most of us) live in democracies which has the great attribute (and utter failing) of entitling every idiot to their opinion. I think it's lovely that all of you seem to enjoy expressing your opinion. I know it's been said before, but I think it's ridiculous that (some of you) have the ability to speak for the entire world as a whole.


the best point I've read is that if you had NEVER played the game, you would have nothing to complain about. some of us like the patch, some of us hate it, some of us (believe it or not) could NOT CARE LESS. it's just a game!


all of our feedback, whether we agree with each other or not, is helping the game evolve. this will NOT be the last patch, nor will the next patch be the last (IMHO)... so just remember there are more changes to come, and maybe someday soon the game will have reached a point where most (because it's impossible to make everyone happy) people agree that the changes have all been for the best.


and hey, I'm just happy to finally play the ultimate Star Wars mod for Quake :)


(I think the patch is fine, I might be an idiot but I get my opinion too!)

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I think technobot made some good points with that post.


Generally speaking I'd say the majority of pure saberists are happy with the update. (Uber backlash pending) Also the difference in stances is a bit weird in my opinion. Blue seems to have been beefed up more than it should be.


I think a lot of people are viewing the gunners as people who ran into FFA games looking to rack up kills by hitting groups of unsuspecting saberists. I don't think that is the case with the gunners who are posting here about their complaints with the update. I know it happens though, but probably not with the CTFers. But in FFA, its anything goes, so people have to be on their gaurd. So complaing about unbalance when a missle hits someone while they're dueling in a FFA(guns/weapons/forces) isn't founded.


Raven should take into consideration the uproar the CTF Ladders/Clans are in though. The fact that many of these ladders are falling apart and reorganizing should provide substantial evidence that something is wrong here. 64 clans reverting to 1.02 is a large group of people.


One point you can also account to some of this anger is that these changes weren't mentioned. The readme on 1.03 doesn't mention the gun changes AT ALL(Correct me if I'm wrong). That seems very deceptive to me. The saber changes were described in detail. I think the gunners should've been forwarned about the guns changes.


No Force, forces. Saber Throw, Saber Style, and Saber Defend(Iffy). I think the fact that Force Throw can now be done in NF games is unbalancing the games. In Force games I don't see a problem with this change but for strictly NF games it probably shouldn't have been incorparated as a option. No Force means No Force.


For the record I'm a saberist, dueler, gunner, and CTFer(FFA Saberist first and foremost though). No force all around. I can't comment on the FF so I won't. But I think perhaps Raven should've responded by now to the guns issues. At least some of the reasoning behind it.


This is just some basic opinions.

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My very last post in the forums - tired of all the bickering - and I fully agree and am set on what Jellybelly says - server-side options ARE the solution - here's my last post as in Game Feed Back - See you all on the servers - PM if you want to discuss:


Patch gripes/suggestions/wishlist:


This is my final comment/gripe/suggestion on the game.


List of issues by levels of importance:


1. Backflip/Kick is nerfed. GRRRR!!!! Kick is next to

impossible to use now.


2. Drain is nerfed. Hurray more 'other force' spam!


3. Grip is nerfed - I just loved fighting grip! It was fun!


4. Saber defense is way too high - though the attack is actually much better and more accurate.


Suggestions on how to fix these problems:


A. Fixing backflip/kick can be done two different ways:


1. Server-side option/rule:


g_backflipkick 0/1


g_backflipkick 0 = Double Tap (default)

g_backflipkick 1 = Single Tap




2. Clientside Jump Control - toggle


Backflip Double-Tap on/off


On = 1.03 style (default)

Off = 1.02 style


B. Fix For Nerfed Forces:


Easy solution:


Modify the rule "g_MaxForceRank":


You can either:


1. Add more Force Ranks - with more selections.




2. Change the Force Rank System to something as follows:


g_MaxForceRank should have 0 0 0 - 3 digits.


1st set = Neurtral/universal force powers: 0 - 8


2nd set = Light Force Powers: 0 - 8


3rd set = Dark Force Powers: 0 - 8


0 - 7 = normal settings - 1.03


8 = 1.02's 7 (max forces).


3. Allow auto-blocking to be turned on and off:


g_saberautoblock 0/1


g_saberautoblock 1 = 1.03 saber autoblock (default)


g_saberautoblock 0 = 1.02 saber autoblock




g_saberautoblock 0 = Manual saber block (requiring key bind for block)


4. Weapon and ammo respawns to be different:


Change g_weapondisable to g_weapons:


g_weapons 0 - 2


g_weapons 0 = no weapons

g_weapons 1 = 1.03 style (default)

g_weapons 2 = 1.02 style


Allow the in-game browser to show these important changes on the side of each server - perhaps in graph form, with the important options clearly displayed - on a side column when someone clicks on a server.


Allow the in-game browser to filter out these kinds of options - in and advanced options button/area.


People using ASE or GS can easily filter these out via modifiers and filters.


Okay - you won't be hearing from me again.




cc'ed to Raven and:





Originally posted by Jellybelly


I understand Your concerns Nill.


However, my concern is for the community as a whole. What You might not like, someone else does...and vice versa.


Your argument is mainly based on Your subjective opinion. Now...who is to decide what is a "very good one general game" for example? To agree on what is "good" is the very knot of this whole issue in the first place, and it is yet to be solved.


I believe serverside options would solve this problem to a great extent, and I think the benefits of giving people a chance to find what they really want, will more than compensate for any efforts that might be required in finding it.


Also, I think Your concern in all fairness has to be put in relation to how picky You are under current conditions, not to any "would be" scenario.


As serverside options would supply You with more options, it also goes without saying that You would afford to be more picky...thus having a harder time finding exactly what You "want" according to Your increased demands.


More options require more choices...but theres nothing to suggest that the amount of servers wouldn't increase over time. In fact, having a wider range of possibilities to tailor Your server to Your specific needs...is more likely to even further encourage people to setup their own servers more than anything else.


And again...once You found good servers, adding them to Your favorites will be no problem. The possibility of getting something that might even be perfect acording to Your specific wishes, makes scanning a few servers once in a while a small price to pay indeed.


Try to look at the bigger picture in a long run perspective...the definition of what is "good" is highly subjective and differs greatly from person to person. That is why it is more beneficial to the community as a whole to have individual choices like serverside options instead of one static patch.





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CTF requires you to have at least *one* long range weapon other than a sniper rifle, and the closest thing this game had before that was the repeater.


The repeater was much more useful for long distance shots than for close up spamming. The golan was much better for filling a hallway with lil nasty explosive balls.


If I get 12 shots with the repeater, with rage and speed, and the opposing team gets a combined 12 (same respawn rates) Then I'm going to have a much easier time getting thru their base that I would have before.


Pull is a decent tactic for stoping a rage/speed user, grip is even better, however with energize both of those are negated. Its hard to get a lock on someone moving that fast, I can do it, you can probably do it, the majority of the people on the pubs CAN'T do it.


Honestly, do you think the guns got nerfed just because of the inherent abilities? They all shoot crooked, none of them are good long range weapons, you can barely hit the broad side of a barn with most of them, not because of your personal aim, but because of their quirky innacuracy.


They got nerfed because of the sabers getting nerfed. The sabers were definitely NERFED. You can make claims about them requiring more skill, and this is definitely true, however if it takes longer to kill someone with somthing, its been nerfed.


What I really want is a gun that shoots straight and kills people. Already, none of the guns really did this with any regularity. Still, CTF was playable because there was enough ammo for you to keep trying to kill someone, even if you weren't having a lot of success doing it.


Now, you don't have enough ammo to kill someone with rage or protection. Sure, u can do somthing creative and team based and kill them. Not a lot of people on the pubs are going to do this, most of the folks on the pubs aren't really sure where the flags are.


Sure, you can use the force. But if all yer using is the force, whats the value in using one of the guns? Why pick it up? Whats it doing for you if you have to wait for someone with rage speed to get within pull range for you to even BEGIN to counter their attack.


Why not simply pull them over and backstab?


Most CTF'rs wanted *more* ammo and *more* lethal force. Now we have less of both and its difficult to really defend a flag. And it seems a little pointless to even pick up a gun.


As for the area effect qualities of the weapons, dets and rockets are much more powerful than either the repeater or the golan. The golan and the repeater already have ridiculous drawbacks. Neither one is a straight shot.


We want guns than blow crap up and kill people. This is what the guns are supposed to do. They aren't solely supposed to provide interesting challenges for saberists.


The guns got nerfed because the sabers got nerfed. End o story.


Don't get me wrong, the other guns have value. A lot of value. My favorite weapon is the strifle. The strifle is almost useless now because of the new blocking system. Even so, they were only useful in 1.02 in a very up close environment. You don't get a lot of long distance kills with the bowcaster or the strifle.


Now the most effective long distance weapon you can use while moving is the bryar. Yippe.




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I'd like to take this time to applaud the people being polite and reasonable in their complaints. They're most likely the only people that Raven will actually bother reading. And with damn good reason.


Here's a few tips, guys:


1.) As soon as you use the word "gay" or have "*****" in a post.... the dev will most likely skip over it.

You've already paid for the game. Your actual transaction is over. They have no obligation to sit there and take insults from someone on a message board. They DO have an obligation to make the game better. So they'll listen to those who want to be reasonable and make the game better, not just make the game better for themselves.


2.) There's complaining, and there's whining. If they don't take whining from their own children, why would they take it from you? Contrary to popular belief, there IS a way to complain without being a jerk about it.


3.) You are NOT (n-o-t, not) married to a weapon in the game. If you happen to not like the way a weapon works, use one that you have more fun with. Ask for them to make the other weapon better, and wait it out until the next patch. If you really really want to use the other weapon, then either stay with the old patch or get used to it being harder. Someone with "skill" can adapt. If you can't adapt to some changes, how can you claim to have any "skill" at all? Do what is most fun for you. You're not beign tortured into any decision here.


4.) Clans didn't pay more for the game than anyone else. Nor do they support the community more than anyone else. Clans TEND to be more elitist than the rest of the community (and yes, i'm in clans and competitive play, so I am speaking from experience). Saying "THE CLANS DON'T LIKE IT" isn't going to intimidate the developers. At all.


5.) They do want to fix the game, and don't happen to have a bias towards those who use a certain weapon. They MADE all the weapons. If they didn't like a weapon, they probably wouldn't have put it in the game. They aren't sitting back going "HAW HAW! Look at dem silly gun uzerz! We shur showd thm!". You all paid for the game, they want ALL of you to buy their future games, so they are going to try to make it an enjoyable experience for as many people as possible. Their job is to make games for people. They aren't going to try to screw you over for the sake of screwing you over.


Developers will listen to those who help them the most. Calling them gay isn't helping them. Insulting them isn't helping them. Going "this entire patch sucks" doesn't help them either. And certainly refraining from telling them what they're doing RIGHT just for the sake of being stubborn, is not helping them.


You should have learned this in kindergarten: Play nice with others, and you'll get to use more toys.

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You should have learned this in kindergarten: Play nice with others, and you'll get to use more toys.


Very good point!


However, installing this patch is quite similar to being forced to reenroll in Kindergarten. Though, quite frankly, finger painting is somewhat more entertaining than the spam, back attack nonsense that is the bulk of the new 'saber artistry.'


Skill is out, spam is in. After having perfectly timed, well-executed attacks pass through your assailant without doing any damage, you become somewhat disheartened. Aim, timing, artistry are useless if your strikes are autoblocked and incapable of doing reasonable damage.

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Last night (after my post above), I played on several servers and was very disappointed to see a new whoring mechanism: the backstab. This move has replaced the DFA as a whore-monger's choice move, and it is just as deadly...in fact the heavy-stance version is a 1 hit kill.


So basically, the backstab needs to be nerfed. :fett:

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Originally posted by Lucky

CTF requires you to have at least *one* long range weapon other than a sniper rifle, and the closest thing this game had before that was the repeater.


The repeater was much more useful for long distance shots than for close up spamming. The golan was much better for filling a hallway with lil nasty explosive balls.


If I get 12 shots with the repeater, with rage and speed, and the opposing team gets a combined 12 (same respawn rates) Then I'm going to have a much easier time getting thru their base that I would have before.


Pull is a decent tactic for stoping a rage/speed user, grip is even better, however with energize both of those are negated. Its hard to get a lock on someone moving that fast, I can do it, you can probably do it, the majority of the people on the pubs CAN'T do it.


Honestly, do you think the guns got nerfed just because of the inherent abilities? They all shoot crooked, none of them are good long range weapons, you can barely hit the broad side of a barn with most of them, not because of your personal aim, but because of their quirky innacuracy.


They got nerfed because of the sabers getting nerfed. The sabers were definitely NERFED. You can make claims about them requiring more skill, and this is definitely true, however if it takes longer to kill someone with somthing, its been nerfed.


What I really want is a gun that shoots straight and kills people. Already, none of the guns really did this with any regularity. Still, CTF was playable because there was enough ammo for you to keep trying to kill someone, even if you weren't having a lot of success doing it.


Now, you don't have enough ammo to kill someone with rage or protection. Sure, u can do somthing creative and team based and kill them. Not a lot of people on the pubs are going to do this, most of the folks on the pubs aren't really sure where the flags are.


Sure, you can use the force. But if all yer using is the force, whats the value in using one of the guns? Why pick it up? Whats it doing for you if you have to wait for someone with rage speed to get within pull range for you to even BEGIN to counter their attack.


Why not simply pull them over and backstab?


Most CTF'rs wanted *more* ammo and *more* lethal force. Now we have less of both and its difficult to really defend a flag. And it seems a little pointless to even pick up a gun.


As for the area effect qualities of the weapons, dets and rockets are much more powerful than either the repeater or the golan. The golan and the repeater already have ridiculous drawbacks. Neither one is a straight shot.


We want guns than blow crap up and kill people. This is what the guns are supposed to do. They aren't solely supposed to provide interesting challenges for saberists.


The guns got nerfed because the sabers got nerfed. End o story.


Don't get me wrong, the other guns have value. A lot of value. My favorite weapon is the strifle. The strifle is almost useless now because of the new blocking system. Even so, they were only useful in 1.02 in a very up close environment. You don't get a lot of long distance kills with the bowcaster or the strifle.


Now the most effective long distance weapon you can use while moving is the bryar. Yippe.





Er the game has several long range weapons outside of the repeater and disrupter. The bryar, bowcaster, st rifle, and rocket launcher are all long range. I'd mention the demp but granted thats not in ctf.


As for your 12 shot analysis, what is the defense doing in the time that it takes you to aquire twelve shots? They have the same time available to get the ammo necessary to have more than 12 combined shots. And a couple of decent shots on defense will be able to kill you between 3-5 shots if your not protected dark raged.


As for your pull/push and grip negated by engergize, i disagree. All pull and push take to work is that you be doing a certain action and if you do the dark rage/speed and fire at your feet as you described earlier, energize may help with your force, but it does nothing to help you hold on to your weapon if you get caught with pull or push while firing it. As for the majority on pubs, thats only a matter of time. Remember the game has been out for only about a month and half at this point.


As for the crookedness, er I have no idea what your talking about. Bow caster, disrupter, st rifle, hell all the guns fire straight for me. In addition I've seen people make accurate shots from halfway accross the map with an st rifle secondary mode. No insult meant with this comment, but do you have the crosshair turned off? I dont find that any of the guns are crooked firing. The only weapon with odd collision detection is the lightsaber.


As for if the force comment, I'm not saying only use the force. Youhave to use it in combination with another weapon. Such as pull weapon from rager, and push or grip and such until rage wears off.


As for dets and rockets vs golan and repeater, repeater secondary kills in 3 shots, golan secondary 2 (granted this is on average, always are exceptions). Rockets kill in 2 shots most of the time, thermals 2 to 3. The detonator packs are usually 1 hit kills, but thena gain unlike the others your opponent has to run into the blast radius.


As for the st rifle, I'm assuming you mean against the saber. But the st rifle has ALWAYS been useless against a lightsaber. Anyone with level 3 saber defese can stand there and block the st rifle all day, in either version of the game. However if the person didnt have a saber out the st rifle is one of the top weapons in the game, its secondary mode rivals the repeaters primary. I actually think it does more damage but havent looked into actual numbers so won't make that claim just yet.

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Originally posted by dol-Egon

Last night (after my post above), I played on several servers and was very disappointed to see a new whoring mechanism: the backstab. This move has replaced the DFA as a whore-monger's choice move, and it is just as deadly...in fact the heavy-stance version is a 1 hit kill.


So basically, the backstab needs to be nerfed. :fett:


Not a concern in nf sabers :p

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My drunken perspective on your post: yer an idiot newb who doesn't know how to play.


Albeit, im quit trashed at the moment, yer a total fool. 2ndary strifle is stuttered to make it innacurate, bowcaster/rockets are all too slowmoving to work as long distance weapons.


The bryar almost moves fast enough, but yer a friggin idiot for yet another reason if you think thats a decent method of killing someone.


The strifle is crooked, the primary repeater is crooked, the bowcaster is fanned, the golan primary dissipates, thermals don't go far enough. Maybe you could wave your saber at them insultingly.


You simply can't kill someone from that far away anymore. And thats the goddamn point. Please don't address me anymore and I promise to quit arguing my case on these forums. In my current drunken mindset, I'm sure that the community will keep this game in the gutter and keep it unplayable in any sort of competitive context.


I played JK for 4 years, only to be lamed to death by a bunch of wanking newbs 1 month into what I had hoped was another 4 year experience. I'm sure yer terrible at FPS's, and any continued discussion about tactics would be akin to hitting myself repeatedly in the face with my beer can.


Please god, just flood the world with beer, so that once and for all, everyone is on the same goddamn page.





/end drunken rant.

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Thanks for that detailed message. Sheesh, you think with some

of these JKII players you went and stabbed them in the back with

a lightsaber with the patch 1.03. Don't get me wrong criticsm is good but these anti-patchers have gone a bit over the edge if you ask me. It's only a game I keep telling them. But they seem to have taken the release of the patch as a personal affront and at any minute are willing to commit Jedi Suicide over it :).

Personaly, I like the patch especially the fix for Illegal models and the abilty to sneak in force powers when the Mp session didn't allow it. But the biggest fix I really appreciate is the AMD issue. For a couple of days I kept playing around with my firewall and other stuff because I could not host a game but now I can thanks. And a big thumbs up for the EAX add on. The sound is totally amazing even on low quality. For those who don't have an EAX card you don't know what you are missing. With that I'll notch this game rating from a 10 to an 11! Thanks again.


P.S. one thing I would like to see in any upcoming patch is when you are typing or in the console there is a keyboard Icon on top

of your head. There is one problem with this: not all players are

honorable. I know I've been killed regardless of that Icon. That to me is a cheesy kill. Could you possibly make it so that when the Icon is on your head you are also unable to be hit and killed.

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Um, hello, people that same cheesy backslash\backstab move is

also in version 1.02! how many times do you gamers need to be told this. Look at the other posts in the main forum and you will find this out. Many people went back to v1.02 and tried that same cheesy move and it worked! It's just a game! To hell with the score! The score is not the end all and be all of your existance! Play it and be happy already that a JKII game was even developed! Do the cheesy moves yourselves! I'll even give you one: with the light stance hold the crouch key walk foward pressing the fire button and you'll do a foward upward slash you can kill someone with two of these hits easily! I've done it myself.

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Flaming_Saber: What a moron.


You want us all to run around and use cheap tactics?


What a fun game that would be.




BTW, the backslash move in 1.02 was much less powerful as general saber attacks hurt more and you blocked less so if you ran around backwards you were sure do die before you could get the move off. Not so in 1.03.

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Originally posted by bellenberger

The problem with guns is that the secondary fire of the repeater and the fletch was WAY overpowered.


no....... the problem with guns is THAT THERE IS NO CONCUSSION RIFLE!!!



I so miss that gun from Jedi Knight.

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Originally posted by Boreas

"Could you possibly make it so that when the Icon is on your head you are also unable to be hit and killed."


Can you say god mode? :bdroid2:


That would be a good idea if nobody ever exploited anything or tried to cheat, and we all know no one does that:rolleyes: I can easily see myself in a battle, just about to slice someone in half, and suddenly this icon pops up over their head and my saber just goes right through them, and then the icon pops off.

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Originally posted by Boreas

"Could you possibly make it so that when the Icon is on your head you are also unable to be hit and killed."


Can you say god mode? :bdroid2:



Now I didn't say GOD MODE. The method of the ICON is a good idea and I'll restate it again: If you gamers where not such a bunch of cheese balls just to get that extra point for an easy kill I would not have recommended it. Now I did come up with another idea. As well as making the icon a total pause for the player where they can't be hit put a timer on the pause like 60 seconds that should give the player more than enough time to type their message or do what they need to do in the command mode.


If you've played the game you know this was implemented in a challenge. While the two players are fighting their challenge no one else can hurt them.

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Originally posted by Boreas

Flaming_Saber: What a moron.


You want us all to run around and use cheap tactics?


What a fun game that would be.




Well, if we all did them, no one can complain anymore!

Bringing the game back to an even level. As for the fun of the game someone must still be having have fun even with the few who use the cheap tactics since there are many people still playing this game like me. And I'm still having fun in the game.

But I would think in time that even the cheesy players who use the cheap tricks having the cheap tricks pulled on them would come to realize that it isn't fun anymore and go back to a proper fight. Remember, if you host the game, set the ground rules: no cheap tricks anyone caught doing them will get kicked out of the game. I'm sure they'd get tired of that also and stay away from the cheap tricks. Until these issues are rectified by another patch, it's all we can do for now. We can argue this until we are all blue in the face remember why bother it's only a game the issues with the patch I'm sure by now it's being worked on since the guys from raven have been reading these posts take a chill for now and go play!




BTW, the backslash move in 1.02 was much less powerful as general saber attacks hurt more and you blocked less so if you ran around backwards you were sure do die before you could get the move off. Not so in 1.03.


Well I've never experimented with v1.02 versus 1.03 so I can not comment about the power difference.

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Originally posted by Cracked


That would be a good idea if nobody ever exploited anything or tried to cheat, and we all know no one does that:rolleyes: I can easily see myself in a battle, just about to slice someone in half, and suddenly this icon pops up over their head and my saber just goes right through them, and then the icon pops off.



That would deserve a big kick out of the game! Put a 30 or 60 sec timer pause into that where the player can't come out of the pause until the timer is up and if they are still chatting when the timer is up then they are fair game. And also have two icons: one to let the players know you are in a timer pause and a second icon for when the timer is up. At least that would give someone who is legitimately chatting a fair chance while the cheeser would have something to worry about since all you need do is wait behind him and get him.

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