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regarding the patch and Jk2


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While I do not play jk2 as much as others(though this is due largely in part to the fact that i generally don't like being told I am not "of the force" for using guns) I think it is a little absurd to "tone down" the guns in JK2. The ammo consumption for those of us who play competitivly is already extremely great. The rocket launcher, 3 shots? Ammo is rare for the gun and still only provides 3 shots. The golan gun provides about 7-8 shots default(in 1.02). Most of my time is spent collecting ammo, and I am sorry to those of you who enjoy saber duels. The VAST majority of servers are DUEL servers. If you are unable to notice the difference between the level name DUEL_PIT and CTF_BESPIN perhaps you should be looking at enrolling in first grade and not worried about being shot by a gun.


Guns can be disabled on servers, as such players can find saber only servers. There is also Microsoft's Internet Gaming Zone. While the pings may be sub-par, the majority of the players there are sabers only.


The new patch greatly reduces any chance of anyone being able to play guns. Why then does the game allow guns? Why wasnt it a saber only game? If you are allowing guns, and allowing sabers only, and a MODE which is primarily sabers only, why do the guns need to be tuned down? If anyone has even refreshed a gamespy server list you will find about 100 duel servers for every 10 CTF or FFA servers.


If anything in this game needed to be modified, the ammo usage needed to be LESSENED and the force powers modified. Someone could stand still with a saber out, and force push/pull me. At least absorb in the first game helped this. The force powers use TOO much force. Take some lessons from the first game, there were no problems with sabers vs. guns.


I have played on the zone, with a game titled specifically GUNS FULL FORCE, then been yelled at for killing someone charging me with a lightsaber because he was "trying to challenge me". If you want to play sabers only, join a SABERS ONLY SERVER.


I was hoping this game would be a reason for me to want a new computer even more. Now I am thinking of waiting for Doom 3, and I will go back to playing Quake 3. If only I could return computer games.....



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