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how do I destroy the crystal mines and how do i get there.

I have blown up that stupid cyba bot (garding very badly) a room where these ships go (some kind of re acter room i think)


I have been through more doors than Mathew Kelly.



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Originally posted by dbaobond

how do I destroy the crystal mines and how do i get there.

I have blown up that stupid cyba bot (garding very badly) a room where these ships go (some kind of re acter room i think)


I have been through more doors than Mathew Kelly.







Anyway, here's a spoiler for you, assuming that you are talking about the level with the floating ore cars, and the room with the door that seals that flashes red and kills anything inside it. Oh, and that 'droid was just a power droid, not a guard.




Go back to the room you access this room from. Go outside. On the ramp outside you'll see a break in the guardrail with two lights on posts sticking out into the canyon.

Look down and wait.


When a pipe extends below you, drop onto it, wait for it to retract, and then you can climb up the pipe to destroy the electrical conduit and the device that causes the red field to activate. You have to be quick, otherwise you'll still die when the field turns on. You can retreat up the pipe, if you have to, but make sure you get around the bend. Once you're done there, go back into the room you just blew stuff up in, and use the raising platform to get back into the room with the ore carts.

Use the angled supports on the side to get on top of the car, and ride it down the passageway. Look for a break on your left in the wall, higher than you can jump from the ground. Jump to it when the car passes it....you can't ride all the way through the level, as force fields will push you off.



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go to the other side of thr room and when the ship comes jump on one ramps going up above the ship and when the ship comes jump on it and duck when it goes into the cave across from the room you where watch the wall and there will be a cave you jump in. Youll find your way on your own.

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