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I hate the patch!!!!!!!!!!!


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Originally posted by Lucky

The patch ruins ctf and ff gunning. All those who call me a whiner are hypocrites. I never said a negative word about this game and defended it with zeal ever since the release.


These are real complaints, deal with it.





"The patch ruins ctf and ff gunning." that is not a complaint, that is your opinion...the patch didn't even CHANGE the guns, what are you rambling about? That is not a real complaint, sorry.


Anyways, to all those people whining like a 2 year old who lost his bottle of milk, howabout you try patching JK2 yourselves and see how easy it is. If you want to complain at least contribute something productive and do it in a mature way, not acting like whiney children. No one likes people like you so stop whining and start practicing.

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Originally posted by MARKUSPRIME

I'll prolly get flamed but dear god cant you see the patch sucks raven. Wake the hell up or your gonna lose a large fanbase. BTW duels take forever now and hvy is usless and no its not only the lunge that is usless the whole style is. Blue = gay nuff said!!!


I'll be playing Morrowind and the soldier of fortune 2 multiplayer demo till you morons correct this huge mistake.:fett: :fett: :fett: :fett: :fett: :fett: :fett:









YOU are the big mistake :newbie:

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Originally posted by darthgravy


your a retard, gamers should be ravens prime concern and obviously they arent because now we are running around backwards yellow slapping.... i dont care how stressful and annoying programming is, is that an excuse? so gay and sad, are you a raven programmer? if not stfu.




Another 10 year old throwing the word gay around like it actually offends.


Let me rip apart your post.


your a retard, gamers should be ravens prime concern


Work on your grammar. It's you're a retard. If you're (see?) going to try to insult me, at least do it properly. Plus judging from the offical poll, 65% of people love the patch so Raven did make gamers their prime concern. They've been listening to complaints since the game was released and addressed the majority of them. Then you whinge some more :violin:


and obviously they arent because now we are running around backwards yellow slapping....


It's Blue backstabbing last tie I checked and it's not exactly hard to avoid as I was playing online, and we had some n00b doing it all the time. He got crucified.


i dont care how stressful and annoying programming is, is that an excuse? so gay and sad, are you a raven programmer? if not stfu.


You obviously don't care aobut a lot of things. Spelling and grammar are near the top of your (see!?) list I'd guess. This comment is so retarded and ill-informed I'm not even going to dignify it with an informed response.



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Originally posted by MARKUSPRIME

I'll prolly get flamed but dear god cant you see the patch sucks raven. Wake the hell up or your gonna lose a large fanbase. BTW duels take forever now and hvy is usless and no its not only the lunge that is usless the whole style is. Blue = gay nuff said!!!


I'll be playing Morrowind and the soldier of fortune 2 multiplayer demo till you morons correct this huge mistake.:fett: :fett: :fett: :fett: :fett: :fett: :fett:


I'm sure the community *stifled laughter* will miss *tries not to laugh* you greatly


*breaks out into laughter*

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Originally posted by Xanthos


Your my new friend :). That's what I've been saying all along. All the 10 year old kids that think 1 move that kills everyone in one hit is the best that now cry and whine cuz it doesnt work so great for them all hate the new patch. Go figure.


No matter how many times I see ignorant comments like this they never cease to amaze me. There is practically NO ONE complaining about DFA being nerfed. People are complaining that heavy is so weak and slow now that you're better off just doing the backstab to kill people, and that yellow is so ungainly and gets blocked such a large majority of the time that it's pointless to attack people head on with it.


These are not people whining because their "one move that kills everyone in one hit" has been taken away. These are people upset because they had developed an intricate style of play utilizing all three styles and now the very idea of developing anything resembling an intricate style of play has been rendered ridiculous. So please for the love of god stop assuming that the only people that hate the new saber combat system used to be DFA spam whores. The people it hurt the most were the skilled yellow users.

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Originally posted by idlemind

No matter how many times I see ignorant comments like this they never cease to amaze me. There is practically NO ONE complaining about DFA being nerfed. People are complaining that heavy is so weak and slow now that you're better off just doing the backstab to kill people, and that yellow is so ungainly and gets blocked such a large majority of the time that it's pointless to attack people head on with it.


Most people said perhaps DFA dmg needed to be tweaked down, but there are plenty people who are bitching that DFA is useless. They claim medium is useless, and that all the blocking and parrying is making the game dumb.


THere are a few that hate absorb, and hte new grip, and plenty that hate the new kickstyle.


The only real people that are bitching relyied on using heavy style 95% of the damn time. It was in 90% of the strat guides for MP play.. LIGHT STYLE SUX




Not much has been changed in the combat EXCEPT:


Light is VERY defensive, still does little dmg as it did prepatch but you can land more combos, so dumb slow no-skilled whatever, will get hit 4-5 times if they leave themselves exposed.


Medium hits hurt more than light, can combo them up to 4 times. NO gay twirls. Slower than light, faster than heavy, decent blocking abilities.


Heavy is still the most dmg'ing swing, cant kill in 2 hits now, gotta hit them 3-4 times at least, to kill. Oh NOS REQUIRES MORE SKILL AND AIM, not lag friendly? Guess what not many shooters are lag friendly, that's why I went cable modem ages ago (like JK1 ages ago).


Don't like the new kick? Bind a key.


Don't like grip? Use absorb!


Don't like absorb? Use Dark Rage.


Don't like JK2? Play Daikatana.

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Origionaly posted by D.L.



Another 10 year old throwing the word gay around like it actually offends.


Let me rip apart your post.


your a retard, gamers should be ravens prime concern


Work on your grammar. It's you're a retard. If you're (see?) going to try do insult me, at least do it properly. Plus judging from the offical poll, 65% of people love the patch so Raven did make gamers their prime concern. They've been listening to complaints since the game was released and addressed the majority of them. Then you whinge some more


--- hahahaha it's If you're going to try TO insult me, also it is whine some more, not whinge.


and obviously they arent because now we are running around backwards yellow slapping....


It's Blue backstabbing last tie I checked and it's not exactly hard to avoid as I was playing online, and we had some n00b doing it all the time. He got crucified.


---- it is time not tie that you checked.


i dont care how stressful and annoying programming is, is that an excuse? so gay and sad, are you a raven programmer? if not stfu.


You obviously don't care aobut a lot of things. Spelling and grammar are near the top of your (see!?) list I'd guess. This comment is so retarded and ill-informed I'm not even going to dignify it with an informed response.


--- It's about not aobut ??

--- And you have proven that fact very well. Learn to spell or at least re-read your damn post before you blab blab blab.

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Woohoo nothing like being flamed. BTW to the one that called me noobie hehe I dont care i owned on 1.02 and now own on 1.03 im no noob. The only thing that bothers me about these replies is that lame ass Henry Chan replied to it damn i feel so dirty now. LOL! Have you guys read his llama posts. Now that my friends is a noobie child with no life. Henry Chan your not the greatest JK 2 player, get a life and wake the fu_ck up. And please learn where the caps lock button is fool.

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Originally posted by henrychan415




Then don't play... I don't understand why you think you're entitled to something?



Your use of caps and foul language denotes me to believe that you're under the age of 14. :eek::rolleyes:

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Originally posted by henrychan415



It made the game less fun for you and some others. It made the game more fun for me and others.


Do you need a tissue henry? Why, I think you do.

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