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The Patch, The good, The bad . . . mostly bad


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If you understand about flipkick ect. then you will proly hate the 1.03 patch, if you didnt understand about them then of course you wouldnt tell a difference in the saber fighting.

The flipkick, that now requires hitting jump twice is impossible to perform on other players. It was a useful tactic thats totally gone now, narrowing the amount of good moves that can be controlled well.

The special hop that used to be done after performing a flipkick doesnt exist anymore either. Hop was used to set up other moves. It was done by simply jumping immediately after you did a flip kick, you could hit your jump as hard as you wanted an would never jump high, you would just do the lowest jump move that was in the game allowing you to set up a 2nd move as you hopped towards your opponent.


The blue saber attacks are way too strong, you can backstab someone with a blue attack now an kill them out right at 100 health, it used to do 50 at best. Red attacks not doing 100 dmg and still being Very slow makes them worthless, they were meant to prevent the all day saber fights of healing over and over an over again, with a one hit kill after you take out your opponents shielding. Yellow stance attack damage isnt much more than blue an swings slower, with proly one of the worst saber moves, DFA in yellow stance. What does Raven not understand? Faster swings=less control, Slower swings=more control. Blue seems to be faster than ever and blocking is ridiculous.


Make it so we can control the saber attacks better, blue an yellow attacks are still too uncontrollable. Let us be able to control the saber spins, right now its just flailing lucky strikes that wins the duels. Its stupid. I think all the stance attacks need to be slowed an swing animation be changed to longer, wider swings. Red attacks are the only truely controllable swings. We need a wider variety of attacks like the BLUE stance Crouch+Forward+Attack, and the RED stance Attack+Forward+Jump. The reason the Red one got used so much wasnt just because it was deadly, it was also one of the few swings you could control very well.


The red stance attack (Attack+Forward+Jump) needed to be nerfed but not like they did it. Put this move back the way it was, make it so we can aim as we are landing, just LOWER the damage. Thats all that needed to be done, as it is now its a totally worthless move.


Force powers, being able to push, pull, and grip people to their death off of cliffs, etc. into bottomless pits is still way too easy.

You should have to be very close(as in close enough to get hit with a saber) an have your opponent in your targeting sites in order to push, pull, or grip no matter what lv of power your force is set to . A crouching opponent should be harder to push, pull or grip. While Crouch Rolling you should be immune to push, pull, and grip. Push and Pull on some lvs( I think its the street one an the warring factions or whatever, the bottomless pit ones) is way too strong we just need better ways to defend against them.


Heal an drain needed to be weakend, but from my experiences with drain it might be a bit too weak. Currently some are saying it takes 100% to drain less than 1/2 someone elses force power.

It used to take 1/3 of your force to drain someone from 100% to 0 force, way too powerful. You must take something else into account when balancing drain with healing. Healing doesnt require a target in order to heal, drain does. Dark jedi can ONLY heal with drain, which can be countered with absorb. Therefore Light jedi have an advantage. Dark jedi counter to heal is to drain light jedi force, but again absorb can prevent this. Keep drain pretty much as it was(1.02) but make it so that drain can only drain up to 80 percent force at best, so you have enough force to counter any cheap tactics. With 20 percent force you can push/pull if your getting gripped or you have will always have enough to turn absorb on. Since absorb doesnt absorb drain power it wont be over powering. Either that or make drain heal more but drain less force from a target.


The light side has a counter to push, pull(absorb). The dark side doesnt unless you have full force power an drain them to nothing. But if your fighting a light jedi he can put absorb on now the only thing a dark jedi can do is run away or he stands there an gets pulled to the ground an killed quickly. Allow dark rage to be more of a protection for push,pull an dmg and possibly change it from its current effect(s). Should also make dark rage a counter to drain and grip. Absorb is too strong, either give dark jedi a counter to nuetral force or make people using absorb be affected by nuetral force powers, if dark jedi have no defence against nuetral force neither should light jedi.


Weapons, the grenade launcher thing has WAY too much ammo, the rocket launcher has too few, especially considering rockets are easy to defend against with force were as the grenade lauch is a bitch. Give some of the guns more ammo just make them ALL more suceptible to force powers.


I want to be able to combo some moves, for instance, I hit yellow stance I saber spin, as that move goes off i change to blue and do the crouching attack as the spin ends, then i change to red stance as the rising crouch attack ends I do the red strike(A+F+jump) to end the combo. Can kinda be done now, but the moves dont really flow together. And its tough changing between stances like that. Or just give each stance their own combos like that.


Change the flip kick back to the way it was, for the love of god!

As it is now its worthless, its just not possible to get it off consistently. I dont even see why you changed this at all. It was one of the few things seperating the newbs from the skilled. Its easier to jump on someones head than it was to do the one jump flip.


Something that would be very cool, after putting the flipkick back the way it was, how about adding the ability to do the flipkick with hitting jump twice when you have no force jump skill?

So those NF fighters can have some more variety.

I think standing after getting knocked down should also be looked at. We need some more options when standing after getting knocked down.

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Are you sure? Red style is extremely powerful now...have you tested it?


You can't block the red style standing overhead attack anymore...

it hits THREE TIMES.....

but you have to be charging into someone for it to work.


i'm not sure if that's a bug or intentional, but with that in the game (as well as the red backstab), you STILL want it even MORE powerful?


Come on, dude...I was playing last night, and one guy had like 55 kills (and time ran out), and I was 2nd place with only 35....and we were BOTH doing backstabs and jumps...(though he was using some DFA's too)....except I was blue style. He was red. 55 kills. Think about it.

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Flipkicks were just plain fun.




Great post.


I think we just need 1.02 with some bug fixes, cheats removed, and where the server admin can adjust the saber types and force powers.


Gameplay tweaks are what cause most of the problems.


It has to be optional or it will just create grief for more people.


At least if things are optional, the only ones you can blame are server admins.

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Red style is quite powerful, but it can be blocked.

Even while floored, a red or even a yellow overhead attack can be blocked if you orient your fallen body so that your saber will be able to block the incoming blow. I've actually survived a red overhead this way, albeit with a lot of sparks from both sabers.


Multiplayer seems to have inherited this overhead blocking ability from singleplayer, where most of the enemies kyle tries to slice in two with an overhead chop with either move away or simply block the overhead.


Also, I think cig had a point with blue style. You can literally saber circles around a red stance user with blue stance especially, and poke holes while he tries to saber you (misses seem to be emphasized even more in red stance because you're more open--this exists even in yellow stance when you take a swing, as blue can still find ways to saber around your attack).


What kind of irks me is that while red style clearly still does a very large amount of damage, blue and yellow style do rather ambiguous amounts of damage. Combine that with the new backstab move, and you've got an incredible weapon for blue stance and yellow that matches up to and exceeds the strength of one red hit--not to mention that their execution is considerably swifter than a red swing, even though the range is shorter.


DFA can be smacked down if you simply backstab someone when they land. There is almost no way for anyone to avoid this as they're coming up, even if they're jumping out of the way, because red and yellow backstab have an incredible radius, and the blue backstab allows you to fully move around the saber while you're thrusting backwards (so you can effectively saber someone who has managed to run in front of you if the timing is quick enough).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think DFA is okay now... it was way too strong before.... i don't think you shoudl be able to aim it as your in midair, it makes it too easy. However i don't think it should be blockable.... for 2 reasons. 1) its easy to dodge if your watching it... even in narrow hallways, roll forward, or back. 2) Think about it, it some guy is going to crush you with his saber like that, it'll just push your saber away, and cleave you in two.

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DFA is supposed to be A finishing move, not THE finishing move.

Finishing move means you hit them before hand an are GOING TO FINISH THEM OFF. This move doesnt require a previous hit to kill someone, its stupid. Its all you see on saber only servers and NF. Even with 1.03. If anything the new blocking ,impossible-to-hit-someone-with-a-normal-swing, in 1.03 made DFA even more popular. Lower the damage an watch it fade in popularity, an leave it to those that actually know how to combo with other attacks to make it useful. Rather than the newb attack it has become.

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I think of all that has been done bad in this patch (which is many), the backstab has to be the one that has to be taken care of first.. It's been now quite a number of times that I have seen ppl that do nothing but push/backstab all the time.. boring as hell.


In any case, you have my vote for 1.02 flipkicks back in a future patch.. :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Really simple solution to BS.

Make it so that pull cannot knock down no matter what. Its just way too easy to follow up a pull-knock down with a attack, not just BS. The options for standing up are way too crummy to have something like pull immediately knock you down like it does. Its so Fing stupid, I cant believe they let it be allowed to knock down in the 1st place. Pull should be for guns, should possible cause sabers to unignite briefly, an pulling people into pits/flipkicks.

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