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Router Help Please


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Hey all, it's a pleasure to join the JK2 Community. I have a question regarding playing multiplayer over the internet with a router. I have 3 PC's on a Linksys router, connected to a cable modem. JK2 works fine when playing online when each machine is playing on a different server, but we can't play on the same one. Is this just because of the way JK2 was coded? Is there a port I need to open up in my router? It seems like the server tries to send info back to the second computer trying to connect, but doesn't reach it due to the router, thus not allowing it to connect. Any help would be appreciated. My gf and I would love to duel people online on the same server, and not have to play 1vs1 only on a local server on the LAN.


Oh yeah, I love the new patch as well. No more DFA smammers! Woohoo!

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Don't know if this will help, but in HL each machine needs to have a unique *client* port in order to work via the same router. I don't know what the JO client ports are, but I'm sure someone else will....


The second machine isn't receiving the server response because it's actually being sent to the first machine that connected, btw...


EDIT: I found the following at Lusasarts support site...



In addition, many routers designed to share one Internet connection among more than one computer have firewalls built into them. Most routers require specific Internet ports to be opened before multiplayer games will function correctly. The specific UDP ports that this program uses are 28060, 28061, 28062, and 28070 through 28081 (inclusive.) These ports need to be opened in the Out-bound direction to join games. They will also need to be opened in the In-bound direction if you want players outside of your firewall to be able to join your dedicated or non-dedicated servers behind your firewall. Please consult your router manufacturer’s manual for information on how to set these ports.

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Although I don't play HL, I do play CS....and I don't have to do anything to my router to play on the same server with my gf and roomate. However, the info you provided is very helpful, I can open those ports for incoming data and host a local server and then perhaps I'd have other connect to me....and perhaps it will allow the other computers to connect to the same servers as well. (I'm a little skeptical though)


If anyone has successfully gotten onto the same server with multiple PC's on their LAN over the internet, please let me know how you did it.

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I know what you mean, Neo.


I never had the prob myself, but some of my old clan mates did, and that was what enabled them to play.


Guess it depends on the router and firmware (I recall earlier versions of Linksys firmware having a prob with HL, but they fixed it later....). Guess I lucked out by keeping it up-to-date.


Hey, if you're in the states and get this to work, drop me a line and I'll help 'test' it with you!:D

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Hmm, I have a Linksys Router, with a Cable modem. Me and my brother both get to play on the same server. I don't know what would be your problem, but you may want to give this a try.


Go to


Then, go to the "Advanced" tab.


Then, go to the "Forwarding" tab.


Where it shows the two text boxes, on the left and right of the ~, add 28070. So, it should be this. 28070~28070(Pretty sure that is the JK2 Port). Then for the IP address, you may want to try this with all your computers that you want to play on, either 2 or the 3. Keep the "Protocol" at Both. Then put the IP address for your computers. Then click Apply, then Continue.


If this doesn't work, I am sorry. Remember, I didn't seem to have a problem with me and my brother connecting to the same server.

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