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Told Ya.

Fyunch Click

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I mentioned this in a thread earlier this week pre-patch.


We were discussing how it was finally calming down around here. I said: [/fateful voice] Wait 'til the patch [/end fateful voice]


And whammo! here we are.


1 bazillion threads with folks complaining that they like it or don't like it. People flaming those with opposite opinions.


Amazing how this board has changed in less than 2 months.

You don't see the same folks posting any more. I miss some of the clearer heads and the calmer heads as well.

I guess they are playing the game and don't have time to post or don't care to get embroiled in the never ending drama that these boards seem to have become.


It's a patch. There'll be another one. Probably pretty soon if the speed that this one came out in is any indication. Amazing how fast this one came out. Let's all try to keep the flaming to a minimum and focus on what we are here for:


feedback and interaction with other folks that play the game.


And yes I know it'll settle down in a couple of weeks again until the next patch hits. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Fyunch Click

I guess they are playing the game and don't have time to post or don't care to get embroiled in the never ending drama that these boards seem to have become.

* bump *


Too true. All the good players are out getting used to the new saber moves, and all the whiners have gravitated to the board to complain that their favorite moves have been removed... or "NERFED".


I'll be playin... see ya.



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