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Lucas - Please Watch ID Software


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I like the patch myself.


But it has made some people unhappy.


I suggest allowing Raven to release 'public beta patches'.


Completely voluntary and people can discuss the 'public beta patch' in a sticky thread here.


It would save you a lot of frustration from people.


You could feel out what the saber/force/weapon types do and don't like.


You could keep releasing beta patches until people are relatively satisfied - it's their choice to download it, it's not official.


And most importantly ...


If they complain, it's a beta! :p

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Originally posted by eSTeG

Great idea from a v1.03 lover...


Finally everyone want the game to be the best...


May the force then be with all of us.




You sir, are completely ignorant.


You DO NOT understand my viewpoint on 1.03 whatsoever.


The next thing you'll be calling me is a democrat or a republican, even though I'm not even registered to vote!


Maybe I should go around the forum claiming I know *your* viewpoint and spreading lies.

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Public beta patches are a great idea. This gives the community a chance to play with the patch and the ideas being pondered for it, and submit feedback in a manor that is usefull to the developers. I know from mod making experience balancing is not an easy thing to do, but the community loves to help. Raven get us involved by releasing patches as beta before going live, then everyone will at least not be able to bitch that they didn't see something coming.

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