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Patch discution


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IMO this patch sucks all the way.


The onyl good point of that patch is fixed the distance to hit player. Cant move while doing that big move with heavy stand.


Other then that... B U L S H I T !!!


double jump to kick ... stupid

double mana to heal ok but half heal effect WTF

some keyboard keys not anymore working.

Some motion bug

Ping problem


wow this will going to kill the game.



"The blood on my hands is merely proof of my ambition"

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yeah it sux now coz i just warezed the game last week and i usually came first and all i did was heavy overhead lunge and now the patch has made me have to use skill to kill people and not just do overhead lunges into packs of ppl and i can no longer spam force heal if i get tapped by some one or keep draining people damn this patch to hell [/sarcasm]

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just because we don't like some changes in the game, doesn't make us newbies, or warezers. i'm expressing my opinion about a game i like, and hope to still play. take your head out of your ass.

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yeah it sux now coz i just warezed the game last week and i usually came first and all i did was heavy overhead lunge and now the patch has made me have to use skill to kill people and not just do overhead lunges into packs of ppl and i can no longer spam force heal if i get tapped by some one or keep draining people damn this patch to hell [/sarcasm]


Oh so you say to bad how can I help



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I now find it impossible to do a Swift kick attack, and thet really sucks, infact it's the only part of the patch that REALLY sucks. I use that when I'm near death and have to get the hell out of the way, but now, how do you do it? I cannot kick someone anymore bacaust the second tap comes in above the tatget.


The collision detection has been messed up as well. When I try to do a middle stance cartwheel, and mess up, before I'd swift kick off him, but now I bounce back and suffer BAD lag, even when fighting bots. That's another thing, I used to be able to hack through 35 Jedi Knight bots in 13 minutes without dieing, using middle stance and RARELY heavy. Last game I gave up at 16 minutes with only 19 kills. Have they tweaked bot AI or does the saber do less damage? Or is it just an issue of the lag, which now slows down a bot only match, when it never did before?


I think Raven was on the right track, but it still needs more work.


I'm now going to un-insall the patch and run only bot matches until it becomes less frustrating.


(please only constructive replies!)

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The way I see it.........


1)Gun-players hate the patch.

-I hardly play w/ guns and mainly frag on saber-only servers so I can give no input to this




2)DFA and KICK spammers hate the patch.

-They can no longer mindlessly spam these moves as easily as they could before the patch. I


think Raven made a good call as far as making these specific changes;)


3)Pure Saber-Only players for the most part welcome the patch.

-Like myself, the added tweaks and changes to the saber fighting are very welcome in my


book.Saber control is not as wild and 'luck-based' as before. Also, the tweak where minimum


damage is achieved at the beginning and the end of the attack is vvery cool. Pure max


damage is achieved at the peak of the saber swing. In the middle like it should be. This


tweak fixes the issue where we were all getting killed by an opponents saber barely


touching us. Good call Raven!:D


4)Whiners hate the patch.

-These types of people will whine about any changes or tweaks regarding patches and the


game itself. They just need to whine. Plain and Simple!:rolleyes:



It's amazing how most of the whiners about the saber-fighting changes with this patch are the DFA and KICK lamer-spammers who were too comfortable with thier skill-less fragging sprees!:rolleyes::p -GO HOME AND CRY TO MOMMA!

---All these peeps were complaining about the MP saber fighting not being like SP and now

They're whining because the MP is like SP now. I just don't freakin' get it!?:confused:

-They got thier wish , now what the fack is the damnproblem here!??


........................................just my .02 S!TH-Sense:p ;)

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S!th!nator, I'm sure you directed that at me, and I'll tell you that I'm not a kick spammer, I just knew how to use it and when, and I kicked people's asses (pun intended). I don't like the patch that much (some of it is good, but then again, some is bad) because mostly of the collision detection, just try to do the cartwheel, or try to kick someone, you'll bounce off like before but do no damage. It has also created a lag problem, such that with 5 bots on the screen it started skipping.


Another problem is that they can block anything that you throw at them and you end up with Headless-chicken mentality and spin like a top hoping to hit. OOPS I forgot, the middle stance now hits only in a much smaller arc, and they block every attack.


I think raven tried too hard, but are on the right track.

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Hey Tozier. I apoligize if you took my post as directed at you. I can assure you it was not man;) -It was just a general post aimed at all the posts and threads I've been seeing lately. I was'nt trying to single you out mang;)

--Yes, there are some issues with the new patch but I give Raven a 10 for effort and resolving alot of other things.:) -Give them time, we can't expect them to get everything right w/ just one patch:p -Trial and error my friend. I'm guessing after another or perhaps even 2 more patches....JK2 MP will be atleast 90% satisfactory to all of us players as a whole;)

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I agree exactly with sithator.

So i will just cut and past his post and save myself some time, hah.


The way I see it.........


1)Gun-players hate the patch.

-I hardly play w/ guns and mainly frag on saber-only servers so I can give no input to this




2)DFA and KICK spammers hate the patch.

-They can no longer mindlessly spam these moves as easily as they could before the patch. I


think Raven made a good call as far as making these specific changes


3)Pure Saber-Only players for the most part welcome the patch.

-Like myself, the added tweaks and changes to the saber fighting are very welcome in my


book.Saber control is not as wild and 'luck-based' as before. Also, the tweak where minimum


damage is achieved at the beginning and the end of the attack is vvery cool. Pure max


damage is achieved at the peak of the saber swing. In the middle like it should be. This


tweak fixes the issue where we were all getting killed by an opponents saber barely


touching us. Good call Raven!


4)Whiners hate the patch.

-These types of people will whine about any changes or tweaks regarding patches and the


game itself. They just need to whine. Plain and Simple!



It's amazing how most of the whiners about the saber-fighting changes with this patch are the DFA and KICK lamer-spammers who were too comfortable with thier skill-less fragging sprees! -GO HOME AND CRY TO MOMMA!

---All these peeps were complaining about the MP saber fighting not being like SP and now

They're whining because the MP is like SP now. I just don't freakin' get it!?

-They got thier wish , now what the fack is the damnproblem here!??

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